Allahabad High Court RO Result 2024 Check AHC Review Officer Exam Cut off Marks, Allahabad HC Group C & Group D Final Result at allahabadhighcourt.in
AHC Review Officer Result- The High Court of Allahabad has finally Declared the Result of the Additional Private Secretary and Review Officer (Hindi /Urdu) on 31 January 2023. Many aspirants have appeared Stage-II Exam on 29 and 30 September 2022. If they want to see RHC Review Officer Result then read this article carefully. We have uploaded a direct link to check Allahabad High Court RO Result 2023 Name wise. Besides, they can view category-wise Allahabad HC RO Exam Cutoff List for General, OBC, SC, ST etc.
It is equally important to keep login credentials such as User ID and Password to download the AHC RO ARO APS Exam Score and Merit List District wise. They can further visit the official website www.allahabadhighcourt.in to know more details.
Allahabad High Court RO Result 2023-24 Review Officer CA Marks cut off
The High Court of Allahabad is going to recruit eligible candidates on Review officer and Assistant Review Officer Posts. Recently, online Applications invited for various Post of RO, ARO and APS Bharti. After that, the Authority has been held the Stage 1 Computer-based Test on 06 and 07 January 2022. And then, the Department has declared the AHC Review Officer Result on 17.08.2022 on its official website. Finally, the Stage 2 test has been held on 29 & 30 September 2023 for the Review Officer (Hindi/Urdu) and Additional Private Secretary. Presently, Examinees are eagerly waiting for the Allahabad High Court RO Result along with Cutoff Marks. Therefore, stay tuned here and download AHC Review Officer Result Roll number-wise.
Check Allahabad HC Recruitment
AHC Review Officer Exam Result Date 2023 Details
Organization | Allahabad High Court |
Post name | Review Officer and Additional Private Secretary |
Total Post | 147 |
Job Category | Govt Jobs |
Selection process | Written examination (Stage I) and Computer Knowledge Test (Stage II). |
Exam date | Stage-I: 07.01.2022
Stage-II: 30.09.2022 |
AHC Review Officer Result | 30 January 2023 |
Job location | Allahabad |
Category | Result |
Job type | State government job |
Official website | http://www.allahabadhighcourt.in/ |
Allahabad High Court RO Cut off Marks 2024
Allahabad HC RO CA Cut-off is the minimum qualifying mark obtained by candidates to qualify in the exam and get eligible for the next round of the examination. After the release of AHC Assistant Review Officer Result 2024 the exact cutoff will be declared by the exam authority on its official site. The cutoff will be released category wise ie. Different for each category (GEN, SC, ST, OBC, EWS). Generally, the cut-off for reserved category candidates is higher than the cutoff released for unreserved candidates.
Before the release of official, AHC RO Expected Cut off Marks are prepared and releases by our team & other institutes and upload on the same day of the exam. Provisional cut-off will be helpful for the candidates to estimate their exam score before the release of the exact cutoff. AHC Review officer Category wise Cutoff varies by many factors such as number of candidates appeared in the exam, number of vacancies, the difficulty level of exam, etc
इलाहाबाद उच्च न्यायालय आधिकारिक कट ऑफ मार्क्स 2024
इलाहाबाद उच्च न्यायालय परिणाम घोषणा के बाद सहायक समीक्षा अधिकारी परीक्षा के लिए आधिकारिक कट ऑफ मार्क्स प्रदान करेगा। हम आपको श्रेणीवार अपेक्षित कट ऑफ मार्क्स प्रदान करेंगे, जो एआरओ कंप्यूटर स्किल टेस्ट के लिए प्रदर्शित होना आवश्यक है। कौशल परीक्षण तिथियां बाद में अधिसूचित की जाएंगी।
AHC Review officer Exam में 200 अंक शामिल थे। विभिन्न गैर तकनीकी भागों से प्रश्न पूछे गए थे। इलाहाबाद उच्च न्यायालय एआरओ परीक्षा में कोई नकारात्मक अंकन नहीं था। ओवरऑल कट ऑफ सहायक समीक्षा अधिकारी पद के लिए लागू किया जाएगा।
Expected Cut off Marks (Out Of 200)
Name of Category | Expected Cut Off Marks |
UR/ General | 127-132 Marks |
OBC | 122-127 Marks |
SC | 108-112 Marks |
ST | 95-99 Marks |
Factors affecting the Allahabad HC Assistant Review Officer cutoff marks
The exact cutoff marks will be released with the Allahabad Assistant Review Officer Result 2024. Cutoff various with a number of factors such as the number of vacant posts, the number of candidates who have applied, previous year’s cut-off marks, the difficulty level of exam, category of the candidates, etc.
- The number of candidates who appeared for the exam
- Previous year cut-offs
- Availability of seats
- Marking trend
- Annual intake
- Examination pattern
- Average performance
- Examination difficulty level
- Lowest and average marks in the main examination
How to download the Allahabad High Court RO Result 2024
Candidates who appeared in the Allahabad High Court RO APS Bharti must be waiting for the release of AHC RO Result 2024. Here we have provided a few steps through which candidates will be able to check the Allahabad RO CA result 2024 in the easiest way:
- Firstly, candidates have to visit the official website@allahabadhighcourt.in
- On the home page Check out the Exam Results tab on the home page.
- A new page opens with various links for Allahabad HC RO Result.
- And then, Check out for the required link you want for & a new page opens up.
- After that Select the required details asked on the page.
- Also, Click on the Submit button.
- Within a few minutes, you will get the required Allahabad High Court RO Result 2024.
- Finally, download AHC Review Officer Result for future use.
Official Link: www.allahabadhighcourt.in
Allahabad High Court RO Merit List 2024
Allahabad High Court RO Merit List is the list of qualified candidates in the exam. Likewise, Autority will release the RO Merit List on its official portal soon after the release of Allahabad High Court RO Result 2024.
Furthermore, the merit list of candidates will be available in pdf format. The list contains the candidate’s roll number /name and rank. The name of the candidate in the Allahabad HC Assistant Review Officer Merit list depends on the candidate’s performance in the written exam. Candidates scores well will be on a higher rank in the list. The rank of candidates plays an important role in the selection of the AHC RO CA Exam 2023.
Hence, we have uploaded a direct link to check Allahabd High Court RO Result 2023-24. We also hope that examinees can easily check thier AHC Review Officer Cutoff and Scorecard District-wise. Still, they may ask any doubt by putting comment here.
Kya apke ne jo Cut off btaye h Itni kam ja skti h? You tube pr to sc145+bta rhe h? Plz kuch guide kre
Mere 128 marks for SC female..
Kya typing kre ya na kre?
Plz Reply jarur kre
Hello Soni Mourya, It is expected cutoff. But yes RO Cut off marks may be near about it. You wait till official announcement
If u mean 128 marks are very less..?
u mean 128 marks are very less..for first stage?
Hello Soni mourya, Given Cutoff is expected. But yes official Cutoff marks will near about this criteria
Mujhe typing practice krni chahiye ya nhi?