AIBE 18 Result 2023-24 AIBE XVIII Cut off Marks Category wise, All India Bar Examination Result Roll Number wise, AIBE 18 Exam Scorecard at allindiabarexamination.com
The Bar Council of India AIBE-XVIII has finally conducted successfully on 10th December 2023. This year, so many candidates appeared in this competitive Exam and now looking for AIBE Result 2023. The result for AIBE-XVIII will be announced very shortly on its official website. After announcing candidates can check their All India Bar Exam Result Name-wise from below.
Recently, the department issued the AIBE Answer Key 2023 on its portal after compltion AIBE XVIII Exam 2023 in various locations in India. The AIBE 18 Exam Scorecard contains the Candidate’s Name, Qualifying Status, Roll Number, and Marks Obtained by the students. Besides, Aspirants may also check the AIBE 18 Exam Cut-off Marks Category Wise such as General, OBC, SC, and ST. Students who will select or declare qualified in the Exam will be awarded a “Certificate of Practice”.
Further, Our team will provide you the direct link to check AIBE 18 Result below on this page. AIBE 18 Exam Result, aspirants may also check the marking Scheme, Distribution of Marks, Cut off Marks, Qualifying Marks, etc. Candidates can stay connected with us for more regular updates related to the AIBE Result 2023-2024.
AIBE 18 Result 2023-24 All India Bar Examination XVIII Cut off Marks
The “All India Bar Examination (AIBE)” objective is to examine an advocate’s capability to practice the profession of Law in India. They will assess the candidate’s skills at a basic level, and are intended to set a minimum benchmark for admission to the practice of law; it addresses a candidate’s analytical abilities and understanding of basic knowledge of the law.
In addition, the candidate who will qualify for the exam then he/she will get a “Certificate of Practice” from the Bar Council of India. Candidates will have 11 languages to choose from for attempting the examination. The examination pattern will be multiple choice questions and it will be an open-book exam.
Furthermore, the All India Bar Exam has been conducted on 10th December 2023 for Law Graduates. Bar Council of India has issued AIBE XVIII Solved Question Papers. Students qualifying AIBE Exam will offer a “Certificate of Practice” from BCI. AIBE 18 Exam Results will be available online mode. Aspirants will have to login into their accounts to access the Scorecard. Moreover, If candidates find any discrepancy in the All Indian Bar Exam Result visits the official website.
Kerala Plus One & Two Time Table
AIBE XVIII Exam 2023 Details
Department Name | Bar Council of India |
Exam Name | All India Bard Examination- XVIII 2023 |
Type of Test | National Level Entrance Exam |
Award | Certificate of practice |
Mode of Test | Offline |
AIBE 18 Exam Date | 10th December 2023 |
AIBE 18 Result | January 2024 |
Number of Question | 100 |
Total Marks | 100 |
Official website | allindiabarexamination.com |
AIBE XVIII Cut off Marks 2023-24
AIBE Cut-off marks are minimum passing marks. Authority has decided the minimum cut-off for the General, OBC, SC, and ST Category. Candidates will have to obtain these AIBES Cut off to qualify for the Exam. The written exam was held for 100 Marks. We have given here the Expected All India Bar Exam Cut off Marks. Board fixed the Cut off through various factors. It is equally important to secure this minimum Cutoff category-wise to get BAR Certificate.
The Cut off will issue along with AIBE Result 2023. In addition, Authority will determine the Cut off to calculate through various factors. Furthermore, the followings factors are affecting the AIBE 18 Exam Cut off Marks-
- Available Posts
- Total Candidates who appeared in the Exam
- Paper Difficulty Level
- Category Wise Reservation
- Previous Year Cut off Marks
बार कॉउन्सिल ऑफ़ इंडिया (Bar Council of India) ने एआईबीई 18वीं परीक्षा की अंतिम आंसर-की जारी कर दी है। और साथ यह संभावना जताई जा रही है की अब बीसीआई जनवरी 2024 को ‘आल इंडिया बार एग्जाम’ का रिजल्ट जारी कर सकता है। इसके लिए आपको निचे दिए लिंक को विजिट करना होगा और अपनी आवश्यक लॉगिन विवरण के साथ अपना परिणाम देख सकेंगे। इस साल दिनांक 10 दिसंबर 2023 को ऑल इंडिया बार्ड एग्जाम का आयोजन हुआ था। एआईबीई परीक्षा को पास करने के लिए, सामान्य और ओबीसी श्रेणियों के उम्मीदवारों को 40% अंक प्राप्त करने होंगे। एआईबीई में अर्हता प्राप्त करने के लिए एससी और एसटी वर्ग के उम्मीदवारों को कुल 35% अंक प्राप्त करने होंगे।
How to check AIBE 18 Result 2023 All India Bar Exam Scorecard
Finally, Bar Council of India had announced AIBE 18 Exam Result with Cutoff Score on its official website. Applicants also need their roll number and Date of birth to check AIBE Result 2023. In case the contender forgets their roll number then BCI also gives the facility to “Find Your Roll Number” before the release of the AIBE 18 Scorecard.
However, All India Bar Examination Results are available online mode. They log in using necessary credentials like Registration/Roll Number and Date of Birth. You do not see Marks or percentile because the scorecard will be available with Qualifying or Non-Qualifying status. Meanwhile, follow the below steps to access AIBE XVIII Exam Result 2023-
- First, Visit the official website i.e. allindiabarexamination.com
- Find the Notification for AIBE-XVIII (Result).
- And then, Select AIBE 18 Result & Cut off Marks.
- After that AIBE Result will be displayed on your computer screen.
- Also, You are able to see Qualifying or Not Qualifying Status.
- Finally Save and take print of AIBE XVIII Scorecard 2023 for further use
Click here- Check AIBE 18 Exam Score
Details AIBE XVIII Scorecard 2023
Likewise, the AIBE Result 2023 page contains useful details about candidates and Examinations. Aspirants should assume that their Name, Father/Husband Name, Roll Number, Registration number, Enrolment Number, Result Status & photograph provided are correct or not. If a contender finds any discrepancy in the printed result, they should immediately contact the officials through email or helpline numbers.
AIBE Merit List 2023
The Bar Council of India will announce the AIBE Result 2023 of “All India Bar Examination (AIBE) XVIII 2023” in January 2024. You can see the AIBE 18 Result in online mode and can be viewed by entering one’s roll number and Date of birth. Furthermore, AIBE XVIII (18) Entrance Exam Result would only indicate the qualifying status of the applicant, and not include other details like section-wise and overall marks.
Contact Information-
Bar Council of India
21 Rouse Avenue Institutional Area ITO,
Near Bal Bhawan
New Delhi – 110002.
Mobile: +91-9804580458
Landline: 011-49225022
FAQ for AIBE 18 Result 2023
When will the AIBE XVIII Result 2023 declare?
The result for AIBE-18 held on 10.12.2023 and also AIBE XVIII Result is available from January 2024.
Can we check the All India Bar Exam XVIII Result in Offline Mode?
No, the AIBE 18 (XVIII) Scorecard will declare in online mode.
Can we view Exam Marks in AIBE Result 2023?
The result of AIBE XVIII (18) 2023 will include the qualifying status: pass or fail.
Why should we give the AIBE Exam?
Applicants who qualify in all India Bar Examination (AIBE) are awarded a Certificate of Practice (COP) which legally allows contenders to practice in a court of law.
Disclaimer – Thus, We have provided a direct link to check AIBE 18 Result 2023 on this page. We also hope that aspirants will easily check the All India Bar Exam (XVIII) Result Name-wise using the above link. Therefore, You can also ask any doubt regarding AIBE XVIII Cut off marks to put a comment here.