NHPC JE Result 2023-24 Junior Engineer Cutoff Marks & Merit List Category wise- National Hydroelectric Power Commission has finally published the Results of the Junior Engineer Competitive Exam on 26.10.2023. Many aspirants are waiting for the NHPC JE Exam Score and Merit List. Therefore, all examinees visit this article carefully and check the Result along with the NHPC Junor Engineer Cutoff Mark. There are 296 Vacancies for Junior Engineer in Civil, Electrical and Mechanical disciplines. Likewise, we have uploaded a direct link to access NHPC JE Result 2023-24. Applicants can download their Scorecard by visiting the official website https://www.nhpcindia.com.
NHPC JE Result 2023-24 Cutoff Marks Category wise
Good News for all candidates who are waiting for the NHPC Result of Computer Based Test for Nn-Executive Posts. Recently, the National Hydroelectric Power Commission has invited online Applications for 296 Vacancies of Trainee Engineers in various trades. A large number of candidates have participated in the computer-based Based Test on 23 July 2023. Presently, they all are searching NHPC JunorEngineer results Name-wise. Now they are able to check NHPC India JE Exam Score and Cutoff Marks for General, OBC, SC and ST Categories.
NHPC Junior Engineer Exam Result Date 2023 Details
Bharti Board | National Hydroelectric Power Commission |
Post Name | Junior Engineer (Civil, Mechanical and Electrical) |
Advt No. | NH/RECTT/01/2023/2487 |
Total Posts | 296 |
Job Category | Govt Jobs |
Location | PAN INdia |
Exam Date | 23.07.2023 |
NHPC JE Result Date | 26 October 2023 |
Status | Available |
Official website | https://www.nhpcindia.com/ |
www.nhpcindia.com JE Cutoff Marks 2023
Hello Guys, The Revelation Process for the written Exam for Junior Engineer, Senior Accountant, Supervisor, and Hindi Translator has been over. Now Authority is planning to declare NHPC JE Result JE Result 2023. So, aspirants may also see category-wise NHPC JE Cutoff Marks. As we all know the Department has already fixed minimum Cutoff Marks. Moreover, we are sharing NHPC Expected Cutoff Marks. Hence, you can check the NHPC Trainee Engineer Cutoff of Provisionally selected candidates based on CBT Score. It is equally important to obtain these qualifying Marks for everyone.
Category | Civil | Mechanical | Sr Accountant |
General | 152.75 | 140.25 | 142.00 |
EWS | 147.50 | 137 | 138.25 |
OBC | 149.75 | 139 | 136.25 |
SC | 141.25 | 127 | 133.75 |
ST | 132.50 | 117.50 | 115.00 |
NHPC JE Result Merit List 2023
The Recruitment Authority has prepared the Provisionally selection List based on the Written Exam Score. And also, aspirants have been selected on the basis of their performance in the Computer-based Test. However, candidates who secure minimum cutoff Marks their Names will be in NHPC JE Merit List. So, Aspirants should check Name, Roll number, Category, DOB, and Obtained marks after getting NHPC JE Result 2023. In addition, They must go through all the details given on the NHPC Junior Engineer Result carefully. Generally, the following information are available on the scorecard-
- Post Name
- Name of Exam
- Registration number
- Cutoff Marks Postwise
- Obtain Marks
- Total Score
- Passing Status
NHPC JE Result 2023-24
राष्ट्रीय जलविद्युत ऊर्जा आयोग द्वारा जूनियर इंजीनियर रिजल्ट जारी कर दिया गया है। भर्ती बोर्ड ने दिनांक 23 जुलाई 2023 को एनएचपीसी लिमिटेड जूनियर इंजीनियर (जेई) परीक्षा का आयोजन किया था। इस समय हजारो उम्मीदवारों को एनएचपीसी जेई रिजल्ट का इंतजार था। इसलिए वे निचे दिए लिंक से अपना परिणाम देख सकते है।
- First, candidates visit the official website @www.nhpcindia.com
- And then, they select the Career option
- Find Result of Junior Engineer Exam 2023
- After that Choose your respective Branch Like Civil, Mechanical and Electrical
- Open the desired PDF
- Check Relevent details such as Name, Roll number, DOB, Category and Obtained Marks
- Finally, save the NHPC JE Result for further use.
Check Category-wise NHPC JE Merit List- Click here
Check NHPC Junior Engineer Result- Click here
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