PPSC ADO Admit Card 2023-24 Check Punjab PSC ADO Exam Date, Punjab PSC ADO Group A Call Letter, Download PPSC Agriculture Development Officer Admit Card Name wise
Here, we have provided a direct link to download the PPSC Agriculture Development Officer Hall Ticket Name wise. Moreover, the Punjab PSC ADO examination for 200 Agriculture Development Officers will be conducted in the upcoming month. Furthermore, the commission will expected to release the PPSCADO Admit Card 2023 in upcoming month.
The Candidates will need their registration number, and date of birth to download the Punjab Agriculture Development Officer Hall Ticket 2023. Lots of candidates are waiting for Punjab PSC ADO Call Letter. It is mandatory to bring the Admit Card to the exam center. No, admit cards will be sent to the candidates via offline mode. Candidates can also download the PPSC ADO Hall Ticket from this post and below the provided link.
PPSC ADO Admit Card 2023-24 Exam Date City Name
Punjab Public Service Commission has announced the Agriculture Development Officer Notification for 200 vacant posts in Punjab state. The commission has successfully conducted the PPSC ADO application process from 09th December 2022 to 29th December 2022. Now all those who have submitted their application forms correctly to PPSC will be in search of the PPSC ADO Exam Date and Admit Card.
हमने पीपीएससी कृषि विकास अधिकारी हॉल टिकट नाम के अनुसार डाउनलोड करने के लिए एक सीधा लिंक प्रदान किया है। इसके अलावा, 200 कृषि विकास अधिकारियों के लिए पंजाब पीएससी एडीओ परीक्षा आगामी महीने में आयोजित की जाएगी। इसके अलावा, आयोग को आगामी महीने में PPSC ADO एडमिट कार्ड 2023 जारी करने की उम्मीद है।
PPSC Agriculture Development Officer Admit Card
Organization Name | Punjab Public Service Commission |
Name Of the Posts | Agriculture Development Officers (GROUP-A) |
Advertisement No | 111/2022 |
Total Posts | 200 Posts |
Location of the Job | Punjab |
Exam Date | Announce Later |
Admit Card Release Date | Update Shortly |
Category | Admit Card |
Mode of Application | Online |
Official Website | www.ppsc.gov.in |
Selection Process | Written Competitive Examination and Interview |
Details Printed on the PPSC ADO Admit Card 2023-24
After downloading the PPSC Agriculture Development Officer Admit Card 2023 online mode (the only mode to get admit card), candidates must go through the details presented on the Punjab Agriculture Development Officer Hall Ticket. Any correction in your details on the PPSC ADO Exam Call letter must contact the exam authority as early as possible. Late complaints/quarries will not be answered.
- Name, Father Name of Aspirant
- Roll number
- Registration/Application number
- Category
- Date of birth
- Exam Date & Day
- Reporting Time
- Exam Date Name, Code and Address
- Space for Photo and Signature
- Exam Instructions for the Exam
ID Proof with PPSC Agriculture Development Officer Hall Ticket
As admit card is a mandatory document, all the applicants must carry the PPSC ADO Admit Card 2024 at the time of attending the exam. Along with this candidate must have 2 passport-size photographs and 1 id proof of candidate necessary to appear in the examination. Hence, Check the list of Identity proofs of candidates for the PPSC Agriculture Development Officer Exam.
- PAN Card
- College ID
- Ration Card
- Employee ID
- Driving License
- Passport
- Voter ID
- Bank Passbook
- ID proof authorized by Gazetted Officer
- Any Government-issued ID Proof
How to download the PPSC ADO Admit Card 2023-24
Candidates can download the PPSC Agriculture Development Officer Call Letter by following the given steps:
- First visit below link or official website @ppsc.gov.in
- The homepage for Punjab Public Service Commission Opens.
- And then link for PPSC Agriculture Development Officer Exam 2023.
- Open the Admit Card for ADO Exam
- Also, Enter login credentials such as Registration number of Date of birth
- Hit on submit button and PPSC ADO Admit Card 2024 will display on the screen.
- Finally, Download and take a copy of Punjab PSC ADO Hall Ticket for further processing.
PPSC Agriculture Development Officer Hall Ticket 2023-24
Likewise,PPSC ADO Admit Card displays all the information about the exam such as exam center, date, time, and venue. Also, it maintains details of candidates such as name roll number, photograph, and signature. By checking these details on the PPSC Agriculture Development Officer hall ticket candidates come to know about the details of an examination. With the help of the PPSC ADO call letter 2023, the exam invigilator can easily identify fake candidates in the examination hall. Therefore, we suggest all the applicants must carry the Punjab PSC ADO Admit Card at the time of attending the exam.
PPSC ADO Exam Pattern 2023
- The Written Exam will be in English language only.
- Each question carries 04 marks and, for each correct answer candidate will get 4 (four) marks.
- There will be a Negative Marking (01 Mark for each question) in the written examination for each incorrect answer, 1 mark will be deducted from the total score.
Disclaimer – Thus, we have provided the details of the PPSC ADO Admit Card 2023-24 As we know that the PPSC Agriculture Development Officer Hall Ticket, Exam Dates will be soon released officially. We also hope that aspirants will easily download Punjab PSC ADO Exam Call letter using above link. Still, they may ask any doubt by putting comment here.