Odisha TET Syllabus 2023 – Check OTET Exam Pattern for Paper-I & Paper-II, Odisha Teacher Eligibility Test Syllabus PDF, Odisha TET Paper-1 & Paper-2 Syllabus & Structure for OTET for Odisha Teacher Eligibility Test- 2023
Hello Guys, If you are searching OTET Exam Pattern and Syllabus for Paper-I and Paper-II then stay connected with us. The Board of Secondary Education, Odisha, Cuttack has released the latest Syllabus for Odisha Teacher Eligibility Test 2023. Moreover, the Odisha TET Written Exam is scheduled to be held on 31st March 2023.
Odisha TET will be conducted in two categories. The first category will be for Primary Teachers (Class 1 to 5) and the second category will be for Elementary Teachers (Class 6 to 8). So, we advised all the students to check Odisha TET Syllabus 2023 for both (Paper-I & Paper-II) and continue to prepare well for the exam.
With this, candidates collect the latest Odisha Teacher Eligibility Test Studies Materials like Best Books, Coaching Notes, GK Notes, and Previous Year Papers. They may solve the Old Year paper to know Odisha TET Exam Pattern 2023. Furthermore, The OTET Syllabus consists of sections namely Child Development & Pedagogy, Language-I, Odia/Urdu/Hindi/ Telugu/Bengali, Maths, and Environment Studies.
Odisha TET Syllabus 2023 – OTET Exam Pattern for Paper I & II
Currently, The Secondary Education Board, Odisha has published a Notification for Odisha Teacher Eligibility Test (OTET)-2023. Along with the Advertisement, the board has also released Latest OTET Exam Syllabus for Paper-I and Paper-II.
Board will determine the eligibility for Primary Teacher (Class I to V) and Upper Primary Teacher (Class VI to VIII). We are providing here the latest Odisha TET Syllabus PDF. Candidates cover all topics from Child Development & Pedagogy, Language-I & II, Mathematics, Science, and Environment Studies subjects.
OTET 2023 Syllabus
Board Name | Board of Secondary Education, Odisha |
Test Name | Special Odisha Teacher Eligibility Test (OTET)-2023 |
Type of Test | State level Entrance Test |
Location | Odisha |
Job Category | Teacher Jobs |
Type of Jobs | Primary Teacher (1 to 5 Classes) and Upper Primary Teacher (6 to 8 Classes) |
OTET Exam Date | 31st March 2023 |
Odisha TET Admit Card | March 2023 |
Post Category | Odisha TET Syllabus & Exam Pattern |
Official website | www.bseodisha.ac.in |
OTET Exam Pattern 2023 – Paper I & Paper II
There will be two papers in Odisha Teacher Eligibility Test. The first paper will be 150 marks in which 150 questions will be asked from Child Development & Pedagogy, Language-I & II, Mathematics, and Environment Studies. 30 questions will be asked from each section. Each question will be of 1 mark. 150 questions will be asked in the same Paper II. And question papers will be made from Child Development & Pedagogy (30 Questions), Language-I (30 Questions), Language-II (30 Questions), and Maths/Science or Social Studies (60 Questions).
OTET Paper-I Pattern
Area | No. of Qs | Marks |
Child Development Pedagogy | 30 | 30 |
Language-I, Odia/Urdu Hindi/ Telugu/ Bengali | 30 | 30 |
Language II (English) | 30 | 30 |
Mathematics | 30 | 30 |
Environmental Studies | 30 | 30 |
Total | 150 Questions | 150 Marks |
OTET Paper-II Pattern
Area | No. of Qs | Marks |
Child Development Pedagogy | 30 | 30 |
Language-I, Odia/Urdu Hindi/ Telugu/ Bengali | 30 | 30 |
Language II (English) | 30 | 30 |
Optional Either A or B | ||
A- Mathematics & Science | 60 (30 questions from Maths and 30 from Science) | 60 |
B- Social Studies | 60 (30 Questions from History & Political Science & 30 from Geography) | 60 |
Total | 150 | 150 |
Detailed Odisha TET Syllabus for Paper-I & Paper-II
Events | Paper-I Scheme |
Mode | Online |
Duration | 2.5 Hours |
Question Nature | MCQ (Objective Based) |
Section | Child Development and Pedagogy, Language-I & II, Maths, Environmental Studies |
No. of Questions | 150 |
Total Marks | 150 |
Marks Awarded | +1 for Every Correct Answer |
Negative Marking | No Negative Marking |
Medium | English |
OTET 2023 Paper I – Child development and Pedagogy Pattern
The primary Motive of Child Development and Pedagogy is that a Teacher can make an appropriate decision regarding the progress of the students, understand the learning process of the learners and push the candidates to grow academically.
- In paper-I Child Development and Pedagogy, section consists of 30 Questions
- Questions like learning theories, dialogic learning, critical pedagogy, etc are asked in this section.
Odisha TET 2023 Paper-I – Language-I (Odia/Urdu/Hind/Bengali/Telugu)
The Primary motive for holding this section is to check a Teacher’s knowledge of their native languages. A teacher’s reading, writing, and teaching skills in Odia, Urdu, Hindi, Bengali, and Telugu are these literature languages.
- A total 30 number of questions are asked in Language-I (Odia/Urdu/Hindi/Bengali/ Telugu Pattern)
- Assessing learning Odia/Urdu /Hindi/Bengali/Telugu
OTET 2023 Paper-I: Language-II English Pattern
The primary motive of conducting this section is to check the English knowledge of a teacher at the Elementary level. A teacher’s skill in the English language.
- A total 30 number of questions are asked in Language-II English Pattern.
- Making an assessment and comprehension of the English language
Odisha TET 2023 Paper-I: Mathematics Pattern
The primary motive for conducting this section is to check a teacher’s Data Handling and Patterns of Mathematics.
- A total 30 number of questions are asked in Mathematics Pattern.
- Questions like shapes and spatial relationships, measurement, Number systems and operations in numbers, etc type questions are asked in this section.
OTET 2023 Paper-I: Environmental Studies Pattern
The primary motive for conducting this section is to evaluate a teacher’s knowledge of health and diseases, methods, and approaches to the environment.
- A total 30 number of questions are asked in Environmental Studies Pattern.
- Questions like matter, force, and energy, the history of the freedom struggle in India and Odisha, Physical Features of Odisha and India, etc type questions are asked in this section.
OTET Syllabus for Paper 1 & Paper 2
Child Development & Pedagogy
Unit – 1 |
Understanding Child Development during Childhood (focus on children at the primary level), Concepts, principles, and stages of child development, Characteristics of physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and moral development in childhood, Influence of heredity and environment in understanding the child |
Unit-2 |
Understanding the Learning Process and Learners, Learning – concept, nature, and individual differences in learning, Understanding how a child learns – learning through observation, imitation, The understanding low child learns – various methods of learning, Basic conditions of learning and promotion of learning through motivation, classroom learning environment, and teacher behavior, Development of creative thinking |
Unit-3 | Concept of Inclusive Education and Understanding Children with special needs, Concept of inclusive education, Addressing the needs of diverse groups of learning in an inclusive classroom (CWSN, girls, SC / ST), Addressing the talented, creative learning |
Unit-4 |
Approaches to teaching and learning, Teacher-centred, learner-centered and learning-centered approach, A competency-based and activity-based approach, TLM – its importance, use, and preparation for classroom transaction, Teaching competency to handle mono-grade and multi-grade situations |
Unit-5 | Assessment, Continuous and comprehensive assessment, Purpose of assessment, Assessing scholastic and other scholastic areas, Sharing of assessment outcomes and follow up |
OTET-2023 Language Syllabus
Group – A: Pedagogy | |
Unit-1 |
Learning Odia / Urdu / Hindi / Telugu / Bengali at the elementary level, Aims and objectives of teaching Odia / Urdu / Hindi / Telugu / Bengali as mother tongue, Principles of language teaching, Acquisition of four-fold language skills in Odia / Urdu / Hindi / Telugu / Bengali viz., listening, speaking, reading, and writing, Interdependence of four language skills, Objectives and strategies for transacting integrated text for the beginners |
Unit-2 |
Teaching, Reading, and Writing Skills, The technique of developing intensive and extensive reading skills, Teaching-learning composition and creative writing, A critical perspective on the role of grammar in learning the language for communicating ideas in written form, Challenges of teaching language in a diverse classroom, language difficulties, and errors |
Group – B: (Content) | |
Unit-3 |
Assessment of learning Odia / Urdu / Hindi / Telugu / Bengali, Assessment language comprehension and proficiency: speaking, listening, reading, writing – construction of different types of test items, Remedial teaching |
Unit-4 |
Language items, Part of speech – Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Adverb, Adjectives, Conjunction, Formation of words – using prefixes and suffixes, Synonyms and antonyms, Phrases and idioms |
Unit-5 |
Language Comprehension, Reading two unseen passages – one passage from prose and one poem with questions on comprehension, drama, inference, grammar, and verbal ability (prose passage may be literary, scientific, narrative, or discursive) |
OTET 2023 Syllabus for Language (English)
Unit-1 |
Learning English at the Elementary Level, Importance of learning English, Objectives of learning English (in terms of content and competence specifications) |
Unit-2 | Language Learning, Principles of language teaching, Challenges of teaching language in a diverse classroom |
Unit-3 |
Skills in learning English, Four-fold basic skills of learning viz., listening, speaking, reading, and writing: interdependence of skills, Techniques, and activities for developing listening and speaking skills (recitation, storytelling, dialogue), Development of reading skills: reading for comprehension, techniques, and strategies for teaching, reading (phonic, alphabet, word, sentence, and story), Development of writing skills – teaching composition |
Unit-4 | Assessment of English, Assessing language comprehension and proficiency: listening, speaking, reading, writing |
Unit-5 |
Comprehension, Two unseen prose passages (discursive or literary or narrative or scientific) with questions on comprehension, grammar, and verbal ability |
Unit-6 | Language items, Nouns, Adverbs, Verbs, Tense and Time, Preposition, Articles, Adjectives, Prepositions, Punctuation |
Odisha TET Mathematics Syllabus
Unit – 1 |
Mathematics Education in Schools, Nature of Mathematics (exactness, systematic, patterns, preciseness), Aims and objectives of teaching Mathematics, Specific objectives of teaching Mathematics |
Unit – 2 |
Methods and Approaches to Teaching-Learning Mathematics, Methods: Inductive, deductive, analysis, synthesis, play-way, Approaches: Constructivist and Activity-based |
Unit-3 |
Assessment in Mathematics, Assessment in Mathematics, Formal and informal assessment, Different types of test items, Planning for remedial and enrichment programs in Mathematics |
Unit-4 |
Number System and Operation in Numbers, Number system (natural, whole, rational, real), Fundamental operation on numbers, Fractional numbers and decimals – operations in fractional numbers and decimals, Factors and multiples – HCF and LCM, Percentage and its application |
Unit-5 | Measurement, Measurement of length, weight, capacity, Measurement of area and perimeter of rectangle and square, Measurement of time (concept of am, pm, and time interval) |
Unit-6 |
Shapes and spatial Relationships, Basic geometrical concepts (point, line segment, ray, straight line, angles), Geometry of triangles, quadrilaterals, and circles, Symmetry, Geometrical slides (cube, cuboid, sphere, cylinder cone) |
Unit-7 |
Data Handling and Patterns, Pictography, bar graph, histogram, pie chart, Interpretation of these graphs, Patterns in numbers and figures |
Odisha TET Syllabus for Environmental Studies
Unit – 1 |
Concept, Concept and Significance, Integration of Science and Social Science, Aims and objectives of teaching and learning EVS |
Unit – 2 |
Methods and Approaches, Basic principles of teaching EVS, Methods: Survey, Practical Work, discussion, observation, project, Approaches: Activity-based, theme-based |
Unit – 3 |
Evaluation in EVS, Tools, and techniques for evaluation learning in EVS, Diagnostic assessment in EVS |
Unit – 4 | Governance, Local-self, Government – State, and Central, Judiciary |
Unit – 5 | Physical Features of Odisha and India, Landscape, Climate, Natural resources, Agriculture and industry |
Unit – 6 | History of Freedom Struggle in India and Odisha |
Unit – 7 |
Health and Diseases, Nutritional, elements, balanced diet, Nutritional, deficiency and diseases, Waste materials and disposal, First-aid, Air and water pollution |
Unit – 8 |
Internal Systems of the Human Body, Respiratory, circulatory, digestive, and excretory system – structure and parts of plant – structure, and function |
Unit – 9 | Matter, Force, and Energy, Matter and its properties, Earth and sky, the effect of rotation and revolution of the earth, Work and energy |
Download Odisha TET Syllabus PDF
Disclaimer – At Last, candidates visit the official website to check Odisha TET Syllabus 2023. We have tried to give useful details about OTET Exam Pattern for Paper I & Paper II here. Therefore, If you face any problem regarding Odisha TET Syllabus then put your comment here.