RPSC 2nd Grade Admit Card 2023 Rajasthan Grade II Teacher Exam Date, Test District/City Name Released, Download RPSC Senior Teacher Sanskrit Department Hall Ticket at rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in
Rajasthan Public Service Commission has released the Notification for RPSC Second Grade Sanskrit Exam Date and Allotted Exam District on its official website. Besides, Commission will organize the ‘Senior Teacher (Sanskrit Education Department) Competitive Exam 2022’. And the Re-Exam for General Knowledge Group-A & Group-B will conduct on 30 July 2023 at various Exam Centres. There are 9760 vacancies in Social Science, Hindi, Science, Mathematics, Sanskrit and English. Many aspirants are looking for RPSC Senior Teacher Sanskrit Hall Ticket. Furthermore, they can also check Rajasthan 2nd Grade Exam Center District Location along with Admit Card.
In addition, Sanskrit Department Exam will hold in two Groups Group-A and Group-B. Paper-I is common and conducted for General Knowledge & Education Psychology for both groups. It is mandatory to bring the RPSC 2nd Grade Sanskrit Admit Card to the Test Center. Applicants must remember their Registration Number and Date of birth to access the RPSC Senior Teacher Sanskrit Dept Admit Card Name wise. Aspirants check Rajasthan 2nd Grade Exam Date Subject wise. The department will also issue Senior Teacher Exam Center, City/District Name, and Roll numbers along with Admit Card.
राजस्थान लोक सेवा आयोग द्वारा वरिष्ठ अध्यापक (माध्यमिक शिक्षा विभाग) प्रतियोगी परीक्षा 2022 के सामान्य ज्ञान- ग्रुप ‘ए’ का पुनः आयोजन दिनांक 30 जुलाई 2023 को प्रातः 10:00 बजे से 12:00 बजे तक एवं सामान्य ज्ञान- ग्रुप ‘बी’ का पुनः आयोजन दिनांक 30.07.2023 को दोपहर 02:30 बजे से 04:30 बजे तक किया जा रहा है। अभ्यर्थी उक्त परीक्षा के प्रवेश-पत्र आयोग की वेबसाइट एवं SSO portal पर जाकर प्राप्त कर सकते है।
RPSC 2nd Grade Teacher Admit Card 2023 Exam Center District Location
Recently, Rajasthan Public Service Commission is conducting “Sr. Teacher (Sanskrit Education) Competitive Exam-2022”. Board will recruit 9760 vacancies in Sanskrit Department for Social Science, Hindi, Science, Sanskrit, mathematics and English subjects. The exam will be conducted in two groups. General Knowledge paper in Group-A and Group B will be held on 30 July 2023. After that Paper-2 for various subjects will be organized on 13th, 14th and 15th February 2023.
Moreover, a large number of candidates have applied for 2nd Grade Sanskrit Teacher Bharti. And now they are waiting for Rajasthan Senior Teacher Sanskrit Exam Date, Test Center City Name & District Location. It is mandatory to bring the RPSC Second Grade Admit Card to the Exam center.
राजस्थान लोक सेवा आयोग ने वरिष्ठ अध्यापक (Senior Teacher) संस्कृत शिक्षा विभाग भर्ती परीक्षा की तिथि जारी कर दी है। बोर्ड अब राजस्थान 2nd ग्रेड संस्कृत टीचर एग्जाम दिनांक 12 से 15 फरवरी 2023 तक आयोजित करेगा। यहाँ से अभ्यर्थी RPSC 2nd Grade Exam Date एवं एडमिट कार्ड के बारे में जानकारी हासिल कर सकते है। सेकंड ग्रेड टीचर परीक्षा 500 अंकों की होगी। इसमें दो पेपर होंगे। पेपर-I 200 अंकों का होगा और पेपर-II 300 अंकों का होगा।
आरपीएससी सेकंड ग्रेड टीचर एडमिट कार्ड, एग्जाम सेंटर सिटी, परीक्षा तिथि से सम्बंधित सभी अपडेट निचे दिए गए हैं।
RPSC 2nd Grade Sanskrit Department Admit Card Details
Department | Rajasthan Public Service Commission |
Exam Name | Senior Teacher (Sanskrit Education) Competitive Exam-2022 |
Post Name | 2nd Grade Teacher (वरिष्ठ अध्यापक) |
Total Posts | 9760 for School Education
538 for Sanskrit Education |
Category | RPSC Second Grade Exam Admit Card |
Online Application Form Starting Date | 15 June 2022 |
Last Date to Apply Online | 23 June 2022 |
RPSC 2nd Grade Exam Date | 12 February to 15 February 2023
GK Group-A & B Re-Exam- 30 July 2023 |
Job Location | Rajasthan |
Admit Card issue Date | Released on 27 July 2023 |
Status | Released |
Official website | rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in |
Details on RPSC 2nd Grade Admit Card 2023
Candidates must check the details mentioned on the Rajasthan RPSC Senior Teacher Admit Card carefully. An admit card is a very important and necessary document to appear in the examination. It consists of useful and important information regarding Candidates and Exam. For any correction in the Rajasthan 2nd Grade Exam Hall Ticket, the candidate must inform the authority of the exam as soon as possible, as late queries are not answered.
- Name of the Candidate
- Parents name
- Date of Birth
- Standard of the Candidate
- Address of the Examination Centre
- Date of the Examination
- Day of the Examination
- Time of the Examination
- Signature and Photograph of the candidate
- Other Instructions for the exam (read and follows carefully)
How to download RPSC 2nd Grade Admit Card 2023
Before the Examination, aspirants may check Exam City Name/District, Roll number and Test Centre address. And then they visit SSO Portal and login using their SSO ID and Password to download Rajasthan 2nd Grade Admit Card. Candidates kindly go through the procedure to download the RPSC Senior Teacher Admit Card Name wise. They must keep remembering their login details like User ID and Password to get the Rajasthan 2nd Grade Hall Ticket-
- First, candidates must visit the official website of RPSC i.e. @ www.rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in
- And then, click on Exam dashboard
- Find “Sr. Teacher Gr II Comp. Exam – 2022” and choose Varishth Adhyapak Call Letter.
- A new page will open asking for your login details such as your Registration Number and Password details.
- After that, click on the submit button and your Senior Teacher Hall Ticket will be displayed.
- Carefully; check the details mentioned on Rajasthan 2nd Grade hall ticket 2023.
- Finally, download your RPSC 2nd Grade Sanskrit admit card 2023 and take a hard copy of it, for future reference.
2nd Grade Sanskrit Teacher Bharti- Know Your Center District Location
Download Second Grade Admit Card
Check 2nd Grade December Exam Answer key
RPSC Senior Teacher Sanskrit Dept Admit Card 2023- ID Proofs
It is mandatory to bring one photo Identity Card along with the Rajasthan Senior Teacher Exam Call letter. The invigilators will verify the presence of candidates using ID Card and Admission Certificates. Aspirants should also check the printed details on RPSC Senior Teacher Sanskrit Dept Hall Ticket. They may check One ID proof out of the followings-
- Read all the instructions for the exam and follow them carefully.
- It is the responsibility of the applicant to carry the admit card along with him during the exam on the examination day.
- Candidates must also bring the following documents to the examination center on the exam day
- Rajasthan 2nd Grade Sanskrit Admit card 2023
- 1 ID proof (Adhaar Card, Voter ID Card, PAN Card, Passport, Driving License)
- 2 photographs (same as loaded at the time of application form)
Rajasthan RPSC Senior Teacher Exam Pattern 2023
The RPSC Senior Teacher Selection process will consist of a Written Test.
- Written Examination (Exam comprising of 2 Papers i.e. Paper I & Paper-II)
- Personal Interview
- Document verification
RPSC 2nd Grade Paper-I & Paper-II Scheme
The exam will be of 500 marks and there will be two papers. Paper-I will be of 200 marks and Paper-II will be of 300 marks. In the first paper, 100 questions will come from Geographical / Historical / Cultural / General knowledge of Rajasthan, Current Affairs of Rajasthan, General knowledge of the world and India and Educational Psychology. In the second paper, 150 questions will be asked from the related subject. Each question will be of 2 marks. The time duration for Paper-I will be 2 hours and for Paper-II will be 2 hours and 30 minutes.
Subject Name | No. of Qs | Marks | Duration |
Geographical, Historical, Cultural, and General Knowledge of Rajasthan | 40 | 80 | 2 hours |
Current Affairs of Rajasthan | 10 | 20 | |
General Knowledge of the World and India | 30 | 60 | |
Educational Psychology | 20 | 40 | |
Total | 100 | 200 |
RPSC 2nd Grade Paper 2 Exam Pattern
- Exam Type- Objective Type
- Number of Questions- 150
- Total Marks- 300 Marks
- Time Duration- 2 Hours and 30 Minutes
- Negative Marking- 1/3 Marks
- Minimum Qualifying Marks- 40
Subject Name | Questions | Marks | Time Duration |
Knowledge of Secondary and Senior Secondary Standards about the relevant Subject Matter | 90 | 180 | 02 Hours 30 Minutes |
Graduation Standard Knowledge About the relevant subject matter | 40 | 80 | |
Teaching methods of relevant subject | 20 | 40 | |
Total | 150 Questions | 300 Marks | 150 Minutes |
2nd Grade Sanskrit Teacher Exam Date Released
Our team has provided here useful and important details of the Rajasthan 2nd Grade Exam Date. We hope that aspirants will easily download the RPSC 2nd Grade Sanskrit Admit Card 2023. You may ask any doubt by putting a comment here.