KSET Result 2023-24 Karnataka State Eligibility Test Scorecard, kea.kar.nic.in SET Exam Qualifying Marks Cutoff list Category wise, See KSET Rank List District wise
Hello Guys, the Karnataka Examinations Authority has finally completed organizing “Karnataka State Eligibility Test-2023”. And also, the SET Entrance Test for Assistant Professor has been held on 31 December 2023 at various centers of the State. Now all aspirants are searching for their KSET Result and Qualifying Marks for Paper I and Paper-II. This Year, the State Eligibility Test has 41 subjects. Therefore, Examinees may also see Karnataka SET Cut off Marks Subject wise.
If we talk about passing Marks then you have to secure KSET Qualifying Marks (40%) in Paper-I and Paper-II out of 300 Marks. Hence, aspirants read this article carefully and download KEA SET Exam Score along with the Karnataka SET Merit List district-wise. And lastly, they should visit official portal cetonline.karnataka.gov.in/kea/kset2023 regularly for more updates.
KEA KSET Result 2023-24 Karnataka SET Cut off Marks
Recently, the Examinations Authority KEA has announced K-SET Notification 2023. And large Number of candidates have applied for Karnataka State Eligibility Test-2023 from 11 September to 30 September 2023. As per official reports, the Department is finding eligibility for Assistant Professor in 41 Subjects. After that, the Exam Authority has also conducted the KSET Entrance Exam on 31.12.2023 across the State. Presently, aspirants want to download their KSET Result, Cut off Marks and Rank List District wise.
In addition, State Eligibility Test has been divided into two papers for 300 Marks. The first paper is common and carries 50 Questions with 100 Marks. Whereas Paper II is optional carries 100 questions for 200 marks. Thus. it is equally important to secure minimum 40% marks out of the total 300 marks. Apart from this, we are introducing KSET Expected Cutoff marks and how to prepare the Karnataka SET merit List District-wise.
Karnataka State Eligibility Test 2023 Result Details
Organization Name | Government of Karnataka, Examinations Authority- KEA |
Exam Name | Karnataka State Eligibility Test-2023 |
Post Name | Assistant Professor |
Mode of Test | Offline |
KSET Exam Date | 31 December 2023 |
KSET Result Date | Declare Soon |
Status | Release Soon |
Post Category | Karnataka SET Result |
Official Website | cetonline.karnataka.gov.in/kea |
KSET Cut off Marks 2023-24 Minimum Qualifying Marks
Well, Exam agency has already decided on minimum KSET qualifying marks for General, SC, ST, CAT-I/II A/ IIB/ III A/ III B, PwD categories. These passing marks are called Karnataka SET Cut off Marks. Likewise, Students have to obtain KSET Qualifying marks for each Paper (Paper-I & Paper-II). However, they need to obtain minimum marks in aggregate of all two papers i.e. Paper-I & Paper-II for eligibility for Assistant Professor as given below-
Category | Minimum Marks (%) to be obtained | |
Paper-1 | Paper-2 | |
General | 40% Aggregate marks in all the two papers taken together | |
SC / ST/ CAT-I / II A/ II B / III A / III B / PWD | 35% Aggregate marks in all the two papers taken together |
Check Karnataka SET Cut off Marks
Procedure and Criteria for Declaring of KSET Result 2023-24
The Karnataka SET Result comprises the following steps for considering an aspirant for eligibility for Assistant Professors.
Step-1: The number of applicants to qualify (total slots) for eligibility for Assistant Professors shall be equal to 6% of the contenders appearing in both the papers (Paper I and Paper II) of KSET.
Step-2: The total slots arrived, amongst those aspirants who have appeared in two papers and cleared step I, a merit list will make subject-wise and category-wise using the aggregate marks of all the two papers secured by such candidates.
In order to consider for ‘Eligibility for Assistant Professor’, the applicant must have appeared in both the papers and secured at least 40% aggregate marks taken together for General and 35% marks for reserved candidates.
Step-3: According to UGC’s directive, 6% of the appearing candidates are to declare qualified for Eligibility for Assistant Professor only. The reservation policy prevalent in the state is used to compute the category-wise qualifying slots available for eligibility for Assistant Professor.
Subject-wise and category-wise distribution of qualifying slots will calculate by using the formula given below:-
No. of Slots in a subject for General (Unreserved) candidates = No. of General (UR) candidates who have secured 40% or more marks in the subject
——————————————————————————————— * Total Number of Slots
Total No. of General (UR) candidate General (UR) category who have Secured 40% or more marks in Aggregate over all subjects
Calculate Score using KSET Answer Key
How to check Karnataka SET Result 2023-24 Online
Karnataka Examinations Authority will declare KSET Result after one month from Examination day. It will be available online and students have to download it by using Roll Number and Date of birth. The KSET Exam Scorecard contains useful details about candidates and Examinations. We advised applicants to see the qualified status by searching Name, Roll number, Cut off, obtained Marks, etc when downloading the KSET exam score. They can see their score to help of below steps-
- First of all, candidates go to the website of KEA i.e. cetonline.karnataka.gov.in/kea
- And then, Go to the Admission Section and select State Eligibility Test 2023 Link
- Also, Find and choose “Result of KSET 2023”
- Enter the necessary information such as the Roll number and Date of birth
- After that Click on ‘Search’ button and KSET Result will display on a computer screen
- Also, check Qualifying Marks from KSET Paper-I & Paper-II
- They also check Karnataka SET Cut off Marks
- Finally, Save and take the printout of the KEA KSET Exam result for further use
Check here Karnataka SET Result
KSET Merit List 2023-24
The Examination Authority will also release the Karnataka SET Merit List to recruit eligible candidates for Assistant Professor. The nomination list will be available with the Karnataka SET Result, and the candidates may be aware of their name/roll number in it.
If their specifics exist in the selection list, contenders will be eligible for further process by the University. However, it depends on the powers that be whether they roll out the merit list or issue the result openly.
उन सभी उम्मीदवारों के लिए अच्छी खबर है जो केएसईटी 2023 परीक्षा में शामिल होने चाहते है। क्योंकि कर्नाटक परीक्षा प्राधिकरण ने केएसईटी परीक्षा तिथि एवं आवेदन प्रक्रिया शुरू कर दी है। और कर्नाटक राज्य पात्रता परीक्षा 31 दिसंबर 2023 को आयोजित की जाएगी | अब योग्य अभ्यर्थी दिनांक 10 से 30 सितम्बर 2023 तक कर्नाटक स्टेट एलिजिबिलिटी टेस्ट के लिए आवेदन कर सकते है। उसके बाद परीक्षार्थी यहाँ से कर्नाटक सीईटी रिजल्ट एवं कटऑफ मार्क्स देखे।
FAQs for Karnataka KSET Result 2023-24
Question- When will the Result of the Karnataka State Eligibility Test issue?
Answer- The Result will be issued by the authority very shortly. Usually, the Result declares within 45-50 days after completion of the test.
Question- What are the minimum marks for KSET Qualifying?
Answer- The minimum marks are 40% for general and 35% for reserved categories.
Question- What details required to access KSET Result?
Answer- Aspirants login with Roll number and Date of birth.
Question- Where can we download the KSET Scorecard?
Answer- Students may go to the official website i.e. www.kea.kar.nic.in or they can see results using the above link.
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