EMRS TGT PGT Admit Card 2023-24 ESSE Exam Date, Center City Name, Download EMRS Staff Selection Exam Hall Ticket Name wise emrs.tribal.gov.in – The National Education Society for Tribal Students has announced EMRS Exam Dates for various Teaching and Non-Teaching Posts. As per the latest reports, NESTS will organize Staff Selection Exam for the TGT PGT Principal and Hostel Warden in Eklavya Model Residential School. Presently, aspirants are searching for EMRS TGT PGT Admit Card 2023.
Likewise, we have uploaded direct link to access the EMRS Staff Selection Exam hall Ticket for Teaching and Non-Teaching Bharti. Meanwhile, applicants must visit the official website emrs.tribal.gov.in for more details. Besides, applicants use their login details such as Registration number and Date of birth to get ESSE Exam Call Letter.
EMRS TGT PGT Admit Card 2023-24 ESSE Exam Dates
The National Education Society for Tribal Students (NESTS) has invited online Applications for 10391 Vacancies of Teaching and Non-Teaching Posts. And Eklavya Model Residential School is recruiting eligible candidates through the EMRS Staff Selection Exam (ESSE-2023). Many applicants have applied for TGT, Hostel Warden, PGT, Principal, Accountant, Jr Secretariat Assistant and Lab Attendant Posts. Now the Department is ready to organize the TGT PGT Written Exam on 16th December, 17th December, 23 December & 24 December 2023.
Therefore, aspirants need to download the EMRS Teaching & Non-Teaching Admit Card. Also, they can see EMRS TGT PGT Exam Date, Center City Name and Location with ESSE Hall Ticket. So, aspirants first download Eklavya Model School Admit Card using the below link. In addition, we have provided the importance of the EMRS TGT PGT Admit card on this page.
EMRS Staff Selection Exam Date 2023
Department Name | Eklavya Model Residential School |
Post Name | Graduate Trainee Teacher (TGT), Post Graduate Teacher (PGT), Principal and Non-Teaching |
Organization Name | National Education Society for Tribal Students |
Total Vacancies | 10391 Posts |
Category | Latest Teaching Jobs |
Start Date to Apply Online | 30.06.2023 to 31.07.2023 (TGT & Non-Teaching) 19.07.2023 to 18.08.2023 (TGT & Hostel Warden) |
Jobs Category | Government Jobs |
ESSE Exam Date | 16, 17, 23 & 24 December 2023 |
EMRS TGT PGT Admit Card | 14 December 2023 |
Selection Process | EMRS Staff Selection Exam |
Post Category | EMRS ESSE Admit Card |
Official Website | emrs.tribal.gov.in |
emrs.tribal.gov.in Staff Selection Exam Admit Card Link
Well, the EMRS Teaching & Non-Teaching Admit Card is very important to enter in the test centre. Therefore candidates are required to bring EMRS TGT PGT & Non-Teaching Hall Ticket. Apart from this, EMRS ESSE Call Letter contains useful information such as personal and Exams. If you face any mistakes in details then must contact the exam cell as soon as possible. Thus, the following are printed on Eklavya Model School ESSE TGT PGT Principal Admit Card 2023–
- Name, Father/Mother Name
- Roll number, Registration/Application Number
- Date of birth, Category and Caste
- Exam Date, Day and Timing
- Reporting Time
- Test Pattern and name of sections
- Exam Center Name, Code and Address
- Space for Photograph and Signature
- Exam Instructions
Download Syllabus for EMRS Bharti
How to download EMRS TGT PGT Admit Card 2023
Lots of students have applied for the EMRS Teaching Staff Selection Exam 2023. Now they are searching for the Eklavya Exam Date and EMRS Teacher Admit card. Finally, they can access the EMRS Hall Ticket by entering the necessary login details. Moreover, the EMRS TGT and Hostel Warden Admit Card are available provisionally to the contenders through NTA Website www.emrs.tribal.gov.in
Similarly, He/She has to download Eklavya Model School TGT PGT Hall Ticket using the link below. No candidate will allow to appear at the Exam centre without an Admission Certificate. So first download the Ministry of Tribal Affairs TGT PGT Call Letter through the following steps-
- First of all, candidates visit the official website i.e. https://emrs.tribal.gov.in/
- And then, click on “EMRS Staff Selection Exam (ESSE)-2023”
- Open the information Bulletin and Read carefully
- After that Find the Admit Card for the EMRS Staff Selection Exam
- Also, Enter Registered details like User ID (Registration number) and Password (Date of birth)
- Click on the submit button and the EMRS TGT PGT Admit Card will display
- Check the relevant details available on the NESTS TGT PGT Non-Teaching Hall Ticket
- Finally, Save and take a printout of the Ministry of Tribal Affairs EMRS TGT PGT Teaching Staff Admit Card for further use
UKPSC Bandi Rakshak Admit Card
Importance of EMRS Teacher Hall Ticket
Well, Candidates should follow the given instructions during the EMRS Staff Selection Exam ESSE-2023. In case of any discrepancy in the particulars of the candidate or his/her photograph and signature shown on the EMRS TGT PGT Admit Card and confirmation page, he/she immediately approaches the NTA Help Line 011-40759000.
- Aspirants may please note that EMRS Teaching & Non-Teaching ESSE Admit Cards will not be sent by post.
- No duplicate Admit Card for Eklavya School Teaching Staff Selection Exam would be issued at Exam centers.
- No Ministry of Tribal Affairs EMRS TGT PGT Admit Card shall be issued to the candidates whose applications are found to be incomplete for any reason.
Required ID Proof during EMRS Staff Selection Exam -2023
Aspirants must bring one photo identity card with EMRS TGT PGT Admit Card. At the time of the NESTS ESSE TGT PGT Principal Exam, invigilators will verify your details through ID and Admit Card. For any queries or issues regarding Computer Based Test, the candidates may contact on Helpline Number 011-40759000.
Furthermore, They must bring the following documents on the TGT PGT Principal Exam Date. Contenders who will not carry these will not be allowed to sit in the Examination.
Print copy of EMRS TGT PGT Hall Ticket
One passport size photograph should be taken for pasting on the specific space in the attendance sheet at Centre during the examination.
Any one of the authorized photo IDs (must be original, Valid and Non-expired) –
- PAN Card
- Driving License
- Voter ID Card
- Passport
- Aadhaar Card with Photograph
- Ration Card with photograph
- Bank Passbook with Photo
EMRS TGT PGT Exam Pattern 2023
Before the EMRS TGT PGT Syllabus, you must check the EMRS Teaching Staff Selection Exam Pattern. Our team has updated the EMRS PGT Syllabus for English/ Hindi/ Physics/ Chemistry /Maths, Economics, Biology, History, Geography, Commerce, IT. The EMRS TGT Syllabus for English / Hindi / Mathematics / Science /Social Studies subjects.
Generally, the Selection of the Principal, Vice Principal, and PGT shall be made by Merit in CBT carries 160 Marks and the personality test/ Interview carries 40 marks. However, for TGTs there won’t be a personality test/ interview and the merit shall be determined solely by the computer-based test of 180 marks.
ESSE Exam Pattern for Principal & Vice Principal
- Exam (Objective Type): 160 marks
- Personality Test/ Interview: 40 marks
- Duration of Exam: 3 hrs (180 minutes)
EMRS PGT Exam Pattern
The NESTS will conduct Computer-based Tests for 160 Marks. Aspirants who will select in CBT will be called for PT/Interview (40 Marks). Hence, Aspirants have a complete question paper in 180 minutes.
TGT Pattern for Teaching Staff Selection Exam 2023
- Exam (Objective Type): 180 marks.
- Duration of Exam: 3 hrs (180 minutes)
S.No. | Section Name | No. of Qs |
I | General English | 10 |
General Hindi | 10 | |
II | GK & Current Affairs | 10 |
Analytical Ability | 15 | |
Numerical Ability | 10 | |
Computer Literacy | 05 | |
III | Teaching Aptitude /Pedagogy | 20 |
IV | Subject knowledge | 100 |
Total | 180 Marks | |
Note: 1 mark shall be awarded to every correct answer. 0.25 mark shall be deducted for every incorrect answer. |
Download EMRS Admit Card for TGT PGT Principal Exam – Click here
Visit the latestjobhub Home Page- Click here
Thus, We hope that candidates will easily download the Eklavya Model School Exam Hall Ticket from here. We also tried to give complete details regarding the EMRS TGT PGT Admit Card 2023-24 here. Still, If you face any problem accessing Admit Card for the EMRS Staff Selection Exam-2023 you must comment here.