Rajasthan PTET Cut off Marks 2023 GGTU Pre B.Ed Qualifying Marks, Check PTET & Pre B/B.Sc B.Ed Exam Cutoff List General, OBC, SC, ST & EWS Categories – Govind Guru Tribal University, Banswara is going to conduct Pre Teacher Education Test 2023 for Admission in Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) Course. Recently, Authority has organized PTET and Pre BA/B.Sc B.Ed Exam on 21 May 2023 across the state. Many aspirants have appeared in this entrance Test. Now they are looking for Rajasthan Pre B.Ed Exam Score, Cutoff and Merit List. Our team is introducing here Expected & Previous Year and PTET Expected Cutoff Marks. Meanwhile, applicants have to secure equal or above Marks from given PTET passing Marks.
Moreover, all participants visit the below link to check the official Rajasthan PTET Cut off Marks 2023. We know very all that Pre Teacher Education Test held for 600 marks. There is no sectional Cutoff cutoff and you have to obtain qualifying Mark out of total score. As per reports, Department has declared the Pre B.Ed Cutoff List along with PTET Result. Students further visit the official website www.ptetggtu.com for more details.
Rajasthan PTET Cut off Marks 2023 Pre B.Ed Cutoff list
Good News for all those candidates who are searching latest News about PTET 2023. Because Guru Govind Tribal University Banswara is finding eligibility for Admission in 2 Year & 4 Year Integrated B.Ed Courses. Recently, Exam agency has issued a Notification for Rajasthan Pre Teacher Education Test. And lakh number of applicants have applied for PTET Entrance Exam from 15 March to 30 April 2023. And then, PTET and Pre BA B.Ed & B.Sc B.Ed Exam have completed on 21.05.2023. At present, examinees want to see their PTET Exam Scorecard along with Cutoff Marks. If they secure minimum PTET Cutoff Marks then will be able to apply for Counselling Process.
PTET Entrance Test Contains four sections Mental Ability (50 Questions), Teaching Aptitude (50 Questions), General Awareness (50 Questions), and Language (50 Questions). Total marks for PTET are 600 marks. There is a negative marking and one mark will deduct for every incorrect answer.
गोविन्द गुरु जनजातीय विश्वविद्यालय बांसवाड़ा द्वारा राजस्थान प्री टीचर एजुकेशन एवं 4 वर्षीय प्री बीए बीएड /बी एससी बीएड टेस्ट 2023 का आयोजन सफलतापूर्वक करा दिया है। अब परीक्षा के 15 दिन बाद राजस्थान पीटीइटी रिजल्ट घोषित किया जायेगा। उम्मीदवार अपना परिणाम रोल नंबर, जन्म तिथि से देख सकते है। विभाग रिजल्ट के साथ ही कट ऑफ मार्क्स तथा मेरिट लिस्ट जारी करेगा। अनुमानित कट ऑफ तथा पिछले वर्षो की कटऑफ इस पेज पर निचे दी गई है। ओर अधिक जानकारी के लिए इस पेज को पूरा पढ़ें \आपको बता दें की राजस्थान प्री टीचर एलिजिबिलिटी टेस्ट परिणाम www.ptetggtu.com वेबसाइट पर जारी होगा
Check BA B.Ed /B.Sc B.Ed (4 Years) Result
GGTU Pre Teacher Education Test 2023 Details
Organization Name | Govind Guru Tribal Banswara |
Exam Name | Pre Teacher Education Test and Pre BA B.Ed/B.Sc B.Ed 2023 |
Course Name | 2 Year B.Ed Course and 4 Year Integrated Course |
Exam Type | State Level Entrance Test |
Category | Rajasthan PTET Cut off Marks |
PTET Exam Date | 21 May 2023 |
Rajasthan Pre B.ED Cutoff List | 22 June 2023 |
Raj PTET Result Date | 22.06.2023 |
Exam Mode | Offline mode |
Location | Rajasthan |
Official website | www.ptetggtu.com |
www.ptetggtu.com Pre B.Ed Exam Cutoff List Category wise
Aspirants have to secure equal or above marks from GGTU PTET Cutoff. Authority has fixed the qualifying Marks for General, OBC, SC, ST and EWS Categories. In addition, Department has the right to change Cutoff at any stage of the Admission Process. There are various factors that affect the Cutoff Marks. GGTU Banswara will determine these PTET Passing Marks based on Total Seats Available, Paper Difficulty Level, Number of Appeared Candidates and Previous Cutoff. Also, Cutoff can increase or decrease depending on several factors –
- Number of Candidates- If a large number of aspirants apply for PTET Entrance Exam, Cutoff for that post might be higher than usual.
- Exam Difficulty Level- If the Question Paper Level of Exam is on the easier side, the Cutoff might increase and vice versa.
- Number of Seats for B.Ed Admission- If the number of vacancies is high, the cut-off will decrease.
GGTU PTET Expected Cutoff marks
Category | Male Candidates | Female |
General | 400 to 460+ | 390 to 420+ |
OBC | 380 to 420+ | 380 to 400+ |
SC | 340 to 360+ | 340 to 370+ |
ST | 350 to 370+ | 310 to 350+ |
MBC | 350+ | 340+ |
How to Check Rajasthan PTET Cut Off Marks 2023
Finally, Rajasthan PTET Result along with Cutoff List category wise is available now. As per Schedule, PTET exam has been completed on 21.05.2023 by GGTU Banswara. However, the result of the Rajasthan State Level PTET Exam will be released in the month of June 2023.
Information on the result will be made available on www.ptetggtu.com. Visit www.latestjobhub.in daily to download GGTU Pre B.Ed Exam Score and Cutoff List Category wise. meanwhile, aspirants must keep thier login credentials such as Registration number and Date of birth to access the GGTU B.Ed Entrance Exam Score.
- First, all candidates visit official website @www.ptetggtu.com
- And then, go to the Latest Announcement section
- From the home page, select Rajasthan PTET 2023 Result Link
- Open the Link and Enter your Registration number and DOB
- After that open the ‘PTET Cut off Marks 2023’ tab.
- Then the PTET Cut off marks category-wise link will show to the screen.
- Now you can check and verify your Rajasthan Pre B.Ed Exam Cut off marks by clicking on the link.
राजस्थान पीईटी न्यूनतम उत्तीर्ण अंक 2023
दिनांक 21 मई 2023 को आयोजित हुई राजस्थान प्री टीचर एंट्रेंस टेस्ट (PTET) का परिणाम घोषित हो गया है। अब विभाग द्वारा रिजल्ट के पश्चात् कटऑफ जारी किया जाएगी। राजस्थान पीटीईटी 4 वर्षीय काउंसलिंग एवं राजस्थान पीटीईटी दो वर्षीय काउंसलिंग के लिए अलग-अलग आवेदन मांगे गए है। आवेदन पत्र भरने के बाद में काउंसलिंग का रिजल्ट करि किया जायेगा। यहाँ पर हम आपको राजस्थान पीटीईटी कट ऑफ उपलब्ध करा रहे है जो कि संभावित है। 2 वर्षीय एवं 4 वर्षीय बीएड एडमिशन के लिए अंतिम कटऑफ ही मान्य होगी।
S.No. | Category | Min. Cutoff % |
1. | सामान्य अनारक्षित | 60 (TSP-60%) |
2. | अनुसूचित जनजाति (ST) | 55 (TSP- 36%) |
3. | अनुसूचित जाति (SC), अन्य पिछड़ा वर्ग (OBC), अति पिछड़ा वर्ग (MBC) तथा आर्थिक रूप से कमजोर वर्ग (EWS) | 55 |
4. | समस्त श्रेणी की विधवा एवं परित्यक्ता महिलाये एवं भूतपूर्व सैनिक | 50 |
5. | दिव्यांग (निशक्तजन) श्रेणी के नियमानुसार आने वाले समस्त व्यक्ति | 40 |
6. | सहरिया जनजाति के व्यक्ति | 36 |
राजस्थान पीटीईटी कटऑफ मार्क्स 2023
गोविन्द गुरु जनजातीय विश्वविद्यालय बांसवाड़ा जल्द ही PTET Counselling शुरू करेगा। बोर्ड ने पीटीईटी और बीएड इंटीग्रेटेड प्रवेश परीक्षा परिणाम जारी कर दिया है। बीएड कोर्स के लिए खली सीटों की संख्या के आधार पर कटऑफ निर्धारित होगी। पीटीईटी काउंसलिंग कितनी बार करवाई जाएगी यह खाली सीटों की संख्या के ऊपर निर्भर करता है। पीटीईटी कटऑफ के आधार पर अभ्यर्थी काउन्सलिंग में भाग ले सकते है।
Category Name | कटऑफ संभावित |
General Male | 370 – 400 |
General Female | 340 – 370 |
OBC Male | 350 – 380 |
OBC Female | 330 – 360 |
SC Male | 310 – 340 |
SC Female | 300 – 320 |
ST Male | 310 – 340 |
ST Female | 300 – 320 |
EWS | 320 – 350 |
MBC | 330 – 360 |
Rajasthan PTET Merit List 2023
A candidate who has given the Rajasthan PTET Entrance Exam is searching for Rajasthan Pre B.ED Merit List 2023. The Rajasthan PTET Entrance Test was of 200 marks & GGTU PTET Merit List has been prepared for B.Ed admission. As per marks obtained in the exam out of 200 marks as per category wise.
After the Rajasthan PTET Result, candidates want to know the Merit List of students as per category wise. Candidates can check the below link for Rajasthan PTET Merit List Category Wise.
Rajasthan PTET Counselling 2023
According to the Rajasthan PTET Exam Cut-off Marks, if the candidate scores equal marks in the PTET Exam then he/ she will be allowed for Counselling. Candidates are informed that those candidates can apply for Rajasthan PTET Online Counselling Registration 2023. It is equally important to secure Cutoff Marks to be eligible for the next Admissino Process.
Thus, you can download Rajasthan PTET Exam Cut off Marks Category Wise. We have also mentioned the link to download the PTET Cut-off List category-wise for General/OBC/SC/ST. Still, aspirants can ask any problem by putting question in below comment box.
FAQs for Rajasthan PTET Cut off Marks
Question- When will Govind Guru Tribal University PTET Result be declared?
Answer- The PTET Result for BA B.Ed & B.Sc B.Ed Exam has been declared on 22 June 2023
Question- How can we check the GGTU PTET Exam Score Card?
Answer- By the way, our team is given simple steps to access the result of the Pre Teacher Education Test.
Question- What is the official website of PTET Exam 2023?
Answer- Students visit the official web page www.ptetggtu.com and get official updates regularly.
Question- Is there any Negative Marking in Rajasthan PTET Exam?
Answer- No, there is no negative marking.
Yes not published it
sir i am anu sharma igot 323 marks in ptet
i belong ews categary
kya mera 1st list me no. aa jaega
I got 300 marks in ptet 2 year can i got college
Sir iam sumitra sharma i got 300 marks in 2 year bed can i got college . Should i apply for the counselling or not
Hello Sumitra Sharma, If you belong to the reserved category then you can apply for the Counselling
I am ganesh 380 marks 2yr bed course Obc SAWAI madhopur
Hello GANESH KUMAR, yes you are eligible for 2 year B.Ed Courses.
10th,12th fail students don’t worry with guarantee pass your classes and apni ek saal bachao aur apne future ko aage bdao
Mere 368 he obc he kya clz mil jayega
hello Sunil, Yes, you can apply for PTET 2 year B.Ed Counselling
If you are in 4th year integrated course then Yes
Sir I got 333 marks obc , science
All rajasthan bhi kr rakha h.2nd list m nhi aaya .kya college milega mujhe..
Sir can I get admission in government college I will get 400 marks in 4 year integrated
Sir ye obc arts college 260 par college mil jayega kya sir
Sir ye obc me 260 par 4year arts me college mil jayega kya sir
Mere 324 no.aaye h General category se hu me kya mughe clg mil jayegi
Sir I got 243 in OBC – 4 year integrated BA BED course will I get admission or should i apply in Counselling
सर mere को 3500 10 नंबर आए हैं kya mera 4 years bsc bed course me mera number aa sakta h
Sir mere 341 hai obc category mhujhe click mil jayega
Hello Anjali, Ye to aap Cutoff jari hone pr hi confirm hoga
Sir me ST Categary se hu 363 no. Arts h Govt. College mil jayega Kya 7300194062 par massage krna
Sir me ST cattery se hu arts se 363 no. h govt collage mil jayegi kya
Hello Dayaram, Yes
मुझे st महिला 332 अंक मिले है। सिरोही से नजदीक सरकारी कॉलेज बताए
St महिला आर्ट्स में 332 अंक मिले हैं। सिरोही के आस पास govt, कॉलेज में प्रवेश मिल जाएगा क्या। में किस प्रकार से काउंसिलिंग के लिए आवेदन कर सकता हूं। कृपया इस विषय पर विस्तृत रूप से ही बताए।
sir i have 332 marks in ptet 4 year bsc bed, can i apply for the counselling i belong to obc cast
Sir last year kya thi cut off obc ki
Hello sir me student se ho mere 353 no he science se 4sal ke liye., kya sir govrnment college mil jayegi
yes, There is a possibility of getting a college on this number.
abhi cut off jari nahi hui hai
338 for Male and 319 for Female
332 अंको पर आपको कॉलेज मिल जायेगा। काउन्सलिंग प्रोसेस के लिए आधिकारिक सुचना नहीं आ है। आप थोड़ा इंतजार करे, हम जल्द ही काउन्सलिंग प्रक्रिया के बारे में बताएंगे।
Sir mere 290 number h obc arts se 2 year course number aajaega na reply
No, the cutoff can go even higher.
Sir mere obc arts me
320 marks h mujhe pas me clg mil jayegi
Sir mere 323 h St biology kya muje collage mil jayegi
Hello, Lokesh
For this, you have to keep checking our website on regular basis.
Mam, mostly ptet cutoff marks are depended locate area nd catogery, main ur applied subjects.
Good morning respected sir / ma’am I have questions that I was completed my BA with economic in English medium in Daman and I am from Rajasthan so I want to Complete my B.ed in Rajasthan so plz Provide Syllabus and others notes for B.ed entrance exam. Plz information me on my Email Id: sisbro10agu2019@gmail.com
good mrng sir , sir i got 220 marks bed 2 ,year course hai obc sir mujse cllg mile gya ya nhi ?
vase meri marks bhut km hai mujse home town tho ky MILE GYA NHI but apki raye jani hai hai sir
Hello Nikita, Admission merit is more than 220
Me st me hu 267 no. Ye h 2list me hoga
B. Sc b.ed 4year
You can wait for PTET 2nd Round counselling
Hii mre 313 marks h obc science se 2 year ptet m ky mko colg mil skta h
Sir i have score in ptet 2021 is 373 . With science obc group to kya mujhe all Rajasthan me kahi b clg mil skta hai kya?
Sir 1st list m nhi mila ptet 2year course m to next list m milega ya nhi
You have to wait for next List
मेरी बहन के PTET बीएड के एग्जाम में 244 अंक आये हैं
क्या उसे आगे की प्रोसेस के लिए अप्लाई करना चाइये?
क्या उसे एडमिशन मिल सकता है??
कृपया मागदर्शन करे🙏
I got 351 marks in ptet . My category is general boys with Arts stream. May I select for four years B.A. BeD course or not? Please reply. Regards
Madhvendra Sharma
sir / madam mere 360 no .aaye h 4year ka bsc bed ke leye govt.college mel skta ya nee jaipur me ya ass pass OBC Cast .
Yes, you are eligible for PTET Counselling Process
Sir/madam my name is abhishek bhargav(obc),student of arts,i got 305 no.in 2 year ptet exam,kya mujhe b.e.d. 2 year course m collage mil sskti h,kya mujhe counsling form bharna chahiye,plzzz suggest me sir🙏🙏
Yes, You can get college, for this you apply for PTET counseling.
Sir g mujhe b.ed 2 year m 382 marks mile h
Obc science stream se mujhe first choice mil jayegi kya
सर मै ओबीसी कि अर्ट स्टूडेंट हू मेरे 315 नम्बर आए है क्या मुझे कॉलेज मिलेगा फीमेल कैटेगरी
Yes, You will get college on number 315
Sir muje 305 number me jodhpur arts. Collage obc catgri me mil jaegi kya
yes, You may be allotted Jodhpur college
sir SC male 300 in arts 2 year sir please college mil jayga kya please batao
Sir arts. SC male 300 pr college. Mil jayega kya sir please batao sir please
Hello sir
Mere 242numbwr aaye art’s m 2 years k liye
Kya mujhe college mil jayegi
Yes, YOu are eligible for Counselling
Yes, yes you have chance to get college