UPSSSC Stenographer Result 2023 – Uttar Pradesh SSSC Steno Exam Score, UPSSSC Stenographer Expected Cut off Marks, Steno Exam Cut off list for General/OBC/SC/ST Categories at upsssc.gov.in
The Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission conducted the written exam for Stenographer (General Selection) Competitive Exam 2022. The written test was held on the Scheduled date. Candidates who appeared in the UPSSSC Stenographer Exam are now surfing for UPSSSC Stenographer Result 2023. Therefore, all candidates will be able to check UPSSSC Stenographer Final Selection List, Merit List, and Category Wise Cutoff Marks using below official link.
This time Candidates are waiting for Steno Typing Test Result and the Final UPSSSC Stenographer merit list. The UPSSSC Stenographer Result 2023 contains useful details about candidates such as Name, Roll Number, Qualify Status, Merit List, and Selection List on 352 Vacancies. More details are given below here.
UPSSSC Stenographer Result 2023 – Uttar Pradesh SSSC Steno Cut off List
The Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission is filling 352 vacancies of stenographer posts. For this purpose, the board is conducting the Combined Stenographer (General Selection) Competitive Exam 2022. The Recruitment has two stages selection process i.e. Phase-I (Written exam) and Phase-II (Typing /Speed Test). The Written Exam was held on 10th March 2019 and a total of 3707 candidates were shortlisted for Stenography Skill / Typing Test. Therefore all candidates now are able to check the UPSSSC Stenographer Resultfor typing test and the final Merit list /Qualified candidates list on 352 Vacant seats for Stenographer posts.
UPSSSC Stenographer Cut off Marks 2023, Steno Cutoff list
The Cutoff Marks is the minimum qualifying marks obtained by the candidates for selection. The Commission has prepared a cutoff list category wise and candidates who obtain these passing marks will be declared qualify for the next stage of the recruitment process. The Recruitment selection marks fixed by the board are the following-
- Written Exam – 40 Marks
- Marks Based on Education Qualification – 30 Marks
- Marks to Skilled Players – 05 Marks
- Personal Interview – 25 Marks (Interview Process can be skipped from Selection)
The following factors are affecting UPSSSC Steno Cutoff
We know that there are no sectional cutoff marks. So candidates have to obtain minimum qualifying marks out of total marks. There are various factors that affect the Cutoff marks such as total vacancies, Number of candidates who participated in the exam, Paper difficulty level, previous year’s Cutoff marks, and Reservation.
UPSSSC Stenographer Expected Cut off Marks
Category name | Cutoff Marks |
General/UR Category | 31.50 Marks |
OBC Category | 31.50 Marks |
SC Category | 31.50 Marks |
ST Category | 16.00 Marks |
Freedom Fighters | 25.00 Marks |
Ex-Serviceman | 20.00 Marks |
PwD Category | 30.00 Marks |
Female Category | 32.50 Marks |
How to check UPSSSC Steno Exam Result 2023
All contenders gave their 100/- in the exam and now they are waiting for their exam results. So all aspirants have some patience and are in touch with the official web portal of UPSSSC Stenographer to get the latest alert and details about the Result. Follow the below steps to check the result for Stenographer Exam (आशुलिपिक (सा0च0) प्रतियोगितात्मक परीक्षा-2022(।।)).
- First candidates visit the official website i.e. http://upsssc.gov.in/
- At the home page, select the UPSSSC Stenographer Typing Test Result link
- Open the desired link and Enter the necessary details
- Fill in mandatory details such as Roll Number, Name, Date of Birth and Password
- Click on the submit button and save the Result
- Take a print out of UPSSSC Stenographer Result 2023 for further use
Check Uttar Pradesh SSSC Steno Interview Result
UPSSSC Junior Assistant Admit Card
UPSSSC Stenographer Merit List 2021
We have discussed the above here about UPSSSC Stenographer Recruitment Process. For final selection, candidates have to clear Written Examination, Skill Test/ Typing Test, and Personal Interview/ Document Verification. First candidates have to obtain minimum qualifying marks from the written test such as 40% marks. After that Authority will prepare the UPSSSC Steno merit list category-wise.
Then shortlist will be called for the Skill Test/Typing Test. . The UPSSSC Stenographer Merit List contains the list of Names and Roll Numbers of those aspirants who get qualified in all recruitment phases. This means those candidates who get shortlisted all have to appear for the next round.
Disclaimer – We have provided full details about UPSSSC Stenographer Result 2023 here. Aspirants will easily check the Steno Typing Test Result and final selection list from here. If you have any doubts or queries then comment down below.
upsssc steno 2016 ka skill test result kab tak ayega
Hello Sudhir, UPSSSC Stenographer Result for Skill/Typing Test will declare in this week.