UHSR Result 2023-24 Check UHSR Entrance Test Result for Various Courses, Pt. BD Sharma University Results, UHSR UG PG Exam Result Semester wise.
Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak has declared MD/MS, Bachelor of Optometry, B.Sc in Medical Technology Operation Theatre, and B.Pharmacy. As per reports, PT BD Sharma Result is available from 4th July 2023. Therefore, aspirants may check UHSR BAMS, MD, MS, MBBS, B.Sc Nursing Semester wise. Meanwhile, University has published the UHSR B.Pharmacy Result for 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Semester. It is equally important to see PT. Bhagwat Dayal Sharma University UG PG Result Name wise using below link.
In addition, students visit below official link below to check UHSR Result 2023 for various courses. As we all know that PT BD Sharma PGIMS Rohtak UG PG Results are available in PDF format. And candidates have to view necessary details like Roll number, Registration, Name, Father name and UHSR B.Sc Nursing Result Status. Applicants can further visit the official web portal www.uhsr.ac.in to collect more details.
Latest Updates- The Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma University has declared the UHSR MD MS Result on 04.07.2023 And aspirants may also check B.Pharmacy, B.Sc Nursing Annually & Semester wise M.Ch./DM April 2023 and other various other courses.
UHSR Result 2023-24 MD MS MBBS B.Sc Nursing Results
Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma University of Health Sciences is a state university located in Rohtak, Haryana, India. It was incorporated in 2008 by Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma University of Health Sciences Rohtak Act, 2008 of the Government of Haryana, amended in 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011.
The University is affiliated with Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (PGIMS), as well as the Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, and several other colleges, and affiliates medical colleges, dental colleges, physiotherapy colleges, Ayurvedic colleges, homeopathic colleges, and pharmacy colleges in Haryana.
Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma University of Health Sciences finally announced UG & PG Course Exam Results. Recently, Authority has organized the Annual and Semester Exam of Undergraduate degree programmes. A large number of students are studying in MBBS, MD, MS, DM, Pharmacy, BAMS degree courses.
Pt. BD Sharma University Exam 2023 Details
Name of University | Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma University of Health and Sciences, Rohtak |
Course Name | UG & PG/ Diploma Medical Courses |
Programmes Name | MBBS, MD, MS, BDS, B.Sc/M.Sc Nursing, B.Pharmacy & M.Pharmacy |
Result Type | 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Year |
Exam Date | April -May 2023 |
Post Category | Result |
Pt. BD Sharma University Result Date | DM, MBBS, B.Pharma, BPT, B.Sc |
Official website | https://uhsrexam.in/ & www.uhsr.ac.in |
Download Pt. BD Sharma University UG PG Result 2023
Recently the Result of Rechecking of B.Pharm II & IV Sem, M.Sc Nursing 1st year and GNM Final year Examination has been declared. We want to tell candidates that the UHSR Exam Result is available in PDF format for qualified candidates only.
They can download Marksheet from the “Applicant Login” section. In the below table, we have updated the UHSR MBBS BAMS B.Sc M.Sc B. Pharmacy Result subject-wise. So all regular and Private students are able to check their Results for different UFG and PG courses like BPT, MPT MBBS BDS, etc.
How to check UHSR Result 2023-24
The authority has declared UHSR Exam Result 2023 of B.Sc, M.Sc, ANM & B.Pharmacy Exam. Therefore students check BA, B.Sc, B.Com, MA, M.Sc Different Sem Exam scores. The Pt. BD Sharma University Result is available in PDF format with useful information like College Name, Roll number, Obtained Marks, Total Marks and Qualifying status. We have given simple steps to access the UHSR Result for UG & PG Programmes. Follow the below steps to access the UHSR MBBS MD MS BDS BAMS Exam Result –
- First of candidates visit the official website i.e. http://www.uhsr.ac.in/
- Select the link of “Results” and open it
- A page with the whole Results of the relevant Course will display
- Select the desire course Name or Exam
- Check given details on UHSR Result 2023
- Click on submit button and save the Results PDF
- Finally, Take a printout of the Pt. BD Sharma UG PG result for further use
Details on Pandit BD Sharma UHSR Exam Result
We want to suggest to candidates that they must check the relevant details printed on UHSR Result 2023. If you face any mistakes then must contact the exam authority as soon as possible. The following details are available on UHSR B.Sc M.Sc Nursing Result –
- Name of candidates
- Roll Number
- College Name
- Registration number
- Father Name
- Session- Semester/ year
- Obtained Marks out of Grand Total
- Total Marks
UHSR Supplementary Exam Result
Lots of candidates have declared unqualified in one or more papers and Marked Back in the mark sheet. So University also conducted the supplementary Exam of all students who have applied for a Re-exam. Along with the UHSR Exam Result, aspirants may also check Rechecking, Improvement Score declared by the University.
Useful and important details regarding the supplementary Exam will be notified on the official web portal. To apply for Re-Exam, students have to submit the form and fees within the given time duration. Hence they must keep a safe Roll Number, Enrollment Number and Year to check UHSR Result 2023.
FAQs for Pt. BD Sharma University UHSR Result 2023
Question- Are UHSR Odd Semester Results declared?
Answer- Yes, University has declared results for different UG and PG courses like BPT, MPT, BDS, MBBS etc,
Question- What are the Even Semester Exam Dates?
Answer- All upcoming exams had been announced by the Board.
Question- What details are required to check UHSR Result 2023?
Answer- Candidates need a UHSR Exam Roll Number to check the Pt BD Sharma University Result.
Question- Where can we Check The Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma University Results?
Answer- All examinees may see their UHSR Exam Results at www.uhsr.ac.in.
Important Update-
DHE Tripura College Merit List
Thus, we have provided useful information regarding UHSR Result 2023. Aspirants will also easily check UHSR UG PG Exam Results name-wise using the above link. Still, they may ask any doubt by putting comment here.
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