RBI Office Attendant Cut off Marks 2021- Reserve Bank of India OA Cut off list category wise, Check RBI Office Attendant Merit list
The Reserve Bank of India is preparing to declare Office Attendant Result online. Aspirants may check the list of selected candidates for the Language Proficiency Test (LPT). The Online Test was conducted on 09 & 10 April 2021. Many students are waiting for the Office Attendant Exam Cutoff list, selection list etc. Students who will qualify for the written test eligible for the next selection phase i.e. Language Proficiency Test (LPT).
In this article, we are providing category-wise RBI office Attendant Cut off Marks. Candidates may also check Reserve Bank of India OA Cutoff marks for General, OBC, SC, ST Categories. Candidates have to obtain Office Attendant Qualifying Marks section-wise. They may also check section-wise scores out of overall marks.
Our team is providing RBI Office Attendant Passing Marks for Reasoning, General English, General Awareness and Numerical Ability sections. Each section carried 30 Marks and the total marks were 120. Therefore you have to secure minimum Cut off marks out of total marks.
RBI Office Attendant Cut off Marks 2021- Reserve Bank of India OA Cutoff List
The Reserve Bank of India invites applications from eligible candidates for 841 posts of “Office Attendant” in various offices of the Bank. Selection for the post will be through a country-wide competitive Test (Online Test) followed by Language Proficiency Test (in Regional Language).
Contenders check RBI Office Attendant Vacancy across the Country and apply for the want. The online test was conducted on 9th & 10th April 2021. Now students may check the RBI Office Attendant Cutoff marks and scorecard.
Apply for RBI Officer Grade B Recruitment
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Reserve Bank of India OA Exam Details
Department | Reserve Bank of India |
Total Posts | 841 |
Post Name | Office Attendant |
Job Category | Latest Bank Jobs |
Location | Pan India |
Application mode | Online |
Start date to apply | 24th February 2021 |
Close date to submit RBI Application Form | 15th March 2021 |
Tentative date of Online Test | 9th& 10th April 2021 |
Selection Process | Competitive Test (Online Test) and Language Proficiency Test |
Official website | https://www.rbi.org.in/ |
RBI Office Attendant Cut off Marks 2021
The written Exam for Office Attendant was held for 120 Marks. The board will make the RBI OA Exam Cutoff list based on marks obtained by them in the written exam. The RBI Office Attendant list & Category wise Cut off for Phase-II will be displayed after completion of the selection process.
The Reserve Bank of India Office Attendant Cut-off is the minimum qualifying mark decided by the Authority. The Recruitment board will prepare a Cutoff list based on various factors. Applicants have to secure these passing marks to qualify for the selection on the desired post. The RBI OA Cut off mark depends on the following factors-
- Number of vacancies
- Total Candidates are given the Exam
- Paper difficulty Level
- Category wise Reservation
- Previous Year Cut off
Expected RBI Office Attendant Cut off List
Here we are discussing the Previous Year and expected cutoff marks for the OA Examination. Students may check section-wise Cut off for General, OBC, SC, ST categories. It means you have to obtain minimum passing marks from the Reasoning, General English, General Awareness and Numerical Ability sections.
office Attendant Expected Qualifying Marks Section wise
Subject Name | Total Marks | General | OBC | ST | SC |
Reasoning | 30 | 21-24 | 20-25 | 18-21 | 16-20 |
General English | 30 | 22-25 | 21-24 | 19-23 | 18-22 |
General Awareness | 30 | 23-26 | 20-24 | 19-22 | 18-23 |
Numerical Ability | 30 | 22-26 | 21-23 | 20-23 | 19-21 |
Check Expected Office Attendant Cutoff Marks out of 120 Marks
Category | Expected Cutoff (Out of 120 Marks) |
General | 90-95 |
OBC | 85-89 |
EWS | 82-87 |
SC | 77-82 |
ST | 75-80 |
PwD | 70+ |
Ex-Serviceman | 65-70 |
How to check RBI Office Attendant Exam Cut off List
Now the authority has declared RBI Office Attendant Result of Online Test. The test was held on 09.04.2021 and 10.04.2021. The Department will release RBI OA Cut off along with the Result. In the above section, we have given the expected Cut off marks category-wise and section-wise.
Because, the RBI OA Cutoff declared in PDF Format, so you don’t need to login using your Registration Number or Date of birth. You can see your Name and Roll number or List of Roll numbers of Shortlisted candidates for Interviews. Follow the below steps to check RBI Office Attendant Exam Result Roll number wise –
- Aspirants visit the official website of Reserve Bank Of India @ www.rbi.org.in.
- From the home page, check for the Careers section.
- Click on the Opportunities from there check the RBI link.
- In the Current Vacancies section, select the “Results” link
- Select the link of ‘Direct Recruitment of Office Attendant’- Result of written Exam Held on 9 &10 April 2021
- Open Roll number of candidates shortlisted for the Interview PDF link
- Check Roll number from RBI Office Attendant Cut off Marks Page.
- Make sure about the selection
- Save and take a printout of RBI Office Attendant Exam Passing Marks for further use.
Click here- Check Office Attendant Passing Marks Category wise
Reserve Bank of India OA Expected Cutoff Zone wise
RBI Zone Name | Expected Cut off |
Ahmedabad | 82.50 |
Bengaluru | 81.00 |
Bhopal | 90.00 |
Bhubaneswar | 87.50 |
Chandigarh | 94.50 |
Chennai | 86.00 |
Guwahati | 82.00 |
Hyderabad | 99.50 |
Jaipur | 91.50 |
Jammu | 81.75 |
Kanpur & Lucknow | 90.00 |
Kolkata | 79.50 |
Mumbai | 80.00 |
Nagpur | 87.50 |
New Delhi | 90.50 |
Patna | 88.75 |
Thiruvananthapuram & Kochi | 89.00 |
RBI Office Attendant Merit List 2021
Students check their name in the Merit list after declaring RBI Office Attendant Result. The Merit list consists of details about those candidates who obtained equal to the above marks from minimum cutoff marks. The Department published OA Exam Result for all candidates who had successfully completed the Phase-II Examination.
Applicants whose names are listed in the Reserve Bank of India OA Merit List have the topmost preference for the next round. You can check the RBI Office Attendant Merit List from the web portal.
We have provided complete details about RBI Office Attendant Cut-off Marks on this page. Candidates may easily access the Reserve Bank of India OA Exam Cutoff and Merit list using the above link. You can ask for any problem by putting a comment here.