OFB ITI Apprentice Recruitment 2021 – Check OFB ITI Apprentice Notification 2021, OFB Trade Apprentice Application Form 2021, OFB ITI Apprentice Vacancy 2021, OFB Trade Apprentice Jobs 2021 Eligibility Criteria, OFB ITI & Non-ITI Apprentice Exam 2021 Selection Process, How to apply for OFB Trade Apprentice Online Form 2021.
The Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) has announced the OFB ITI Apprentice Notification 2021 on its official website on 31st December 2020. The OFB ITI Online Application is invited from Indian citizens for engagement of 56th Batch of Trade Apprentices under the Apprentices Act 1961 and amendments thereof in Ordnance & Ordnance Equipment Factories located in different States across India. The Total vacancies they are filling are 6066 Vacancies in which 3803 is for ITI and 2252 is for Non-ITI as part of OFB’s Skill India Mission. The starting date to fill the OFB Trade Apprentice Application Form 2021 is 10th January 2021 and the closing date to apply is 9th February 2021.
Interested and eligible candidates can apply online from this article. We have mentioned the link below to apply directly for OFB ITI Apprentice Jobs 2021. Candidates are advised to check OFB ITI Apprentice Notification 2021 before applying online. This is a good opportunity for those candidates who want to be part Government. For more information candidates can refer to the official website of Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) i.e. ofb.gov.in.
Note: Candidate those who have applied already through the Government of India portal, apprenticeship.gov.in are required to re-apply necessarily through the link given on Ordnance Factory Board website i.e. ofb.gov.in.
OFB ITI Apprentice Recruitment 2021 – ITI & Non ITI Apprentice Vacancy
The department of Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) is going to recruit a total of 6066 vacancies for the post of Trade Apprentice. The OFB Trade Apprentice Application Form 2021 is started already fill it before the last date. First, check the OFB Trade Apprentice Jobs 2021 Eligibility Criteria and then apply. The selection of candidates will be done on the basis of Merit in education. The job location will be all across India.
Organization Name | Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) |
Post Name | Trade Apprentice |
Total Vacancies | 6066 Vacancies |
OFRC Advertisement No. | 1457 |
Category | OFB Trade Apprentice Recruitment 2021 |
Starting Date to Apply Online | 10th January 2021 |
Closing Date to Apply Online | 9th February 2021 |
Application Mode | Online Mode |
Job Category | Central Government Jobs |
Selection Process | Merit in Education |
Job Location | Across India |
Official Site | ofb.gov.in |
ओएफबी आईटीआई अपरेंटिस भर्ती 2021 – आईटीआई और गैर–आईटीआई अपरेंटिस रिक्ति
आयुध निर्माणी बोर्ड (ओएफबी) ने 31 दिसंबर 2019 को अपनी आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर ओएफबी आईटीआई अपरेंटिस अधिसूचना 2021 की घोषणा की है। ओएफबी आईटीआई ऑनलाइन आवेदन में प्रशिक्षु अधिनियम 1961 के तहत 56 वें बैच के व्यापार परिशिष्टों की सगाई के लिए भारतीय नागरिकों से आमंत्रित किया गया है और इसमें संशोधन किए गए हैं। भारत में विभिन्न राज्यों में स्थित आयुध और आयुध उपकरण कारखानों में कुल रिक्त पद जो वे भर रहे हैं वे 6066 रिक्तियां हैं जिनमें 3803 ITI के लिए है और 2252 OFB के कौशल भारत मिशन के भाग के रूप में गैर-ITI के लिए है। ओएफबी ट्रेड अपरेंटिस एप्लीकेशन फॉर्म 2021 भरने की प्रारंभिक तिथि 10 जनवरी 2021 है और आवेदन करने की अंतिम तिथि 9 फरवरी 2021 है।
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इच्छुक और योग्य उम्मीदवार इस लेख से ऑनलाइन आवेदन कर सकते हैं। हमने ओएफबी आईटीआई अपरेंटिस जॉब्स 2021 के लिए सीधे आवेदन करने के लिए नीचे दिए गए लिंक का उल्लेख किया है। उम्मीदवारों को ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने से पहले ओएफबी आईटीआई अपरेंटिस अधिसूचना 2021 की जांच करने की सलाह दी जाती है। यह उन उम्मीदवारों के लिए एक अच्छा अवसर है जो सरकार का हिस्सा बनना चाहते हैं। अधिक जानकारी के लिए उम्मीदवार ऑर्डनेंस फैक्ट्री बोर्ड (OFB) की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट यानी ofb.gov.in का उल्लेख कर सकते हैं।
OFB 6060 ITI Apprentice Recruitment 2021 Vacancy Details
The total vacancies are given in Annexure-I. The number of vacancies notified is provisional. Candidates can only choose any one of the Ordnance and Ordnance Equipment Factories named in the Annexure-I, where the candidate intends to undergo the Trade Apprenticeship training. The OFB ITI Online Application is invited from Indian citizens for engagement of 56th Batch of Trade Apprentices under the Apprentices Act 1961 and amendments thereof in Ordnance & Ordnance Equipment Factories located in different States across India. The Total vacancies 6066, 3803 is for ITI and 2252 is for Non-ITI as part of OFB’s Skill India Mission.
- ITI Apprentice – 3847 Posts1
- Non-ITI Apprentice – 2219 Posts
OFB Trade Apprentice Recruitment 2021 Eligibility Criteria
Candidate first checks the OFB ITI Apprentice Vacancy 2021 Eligibility criteria, that you are meeting such criteria announced by the officials. If you are then applying online by using the mentioned below link. Read the mentioned below such as Eligibility criteria to take part in OFB 6060 ITI Apprentice Recruitment 2021.
OFB ITI Apprentice Jobs 2021 Educational Qualification
ITI Category – Candidates should have passed trade test from any institute recognized by NCVT or SCVT or any other authority specified through Gazette notification of Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship/Ministry of Labor and Employment with duration as per the Apprentice Act 1961 plus passed Madhyamik / Class X Std or equivalent (Minimum 50% aggregate marks both in Matriculate / Class X Std and ITI).
Non-ITI Category – Candidates should have Passed Madhyamik (class X Std or equivalent) as on date of notification for applying with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and with 40% marks in Mathematics and Science each.
OFB Recruitment 2021 Age Limit
Candidate must have age between 15 to 24 years as on 09.02.2021, Age Relaxation in Upper age limit is permitted as under:
OFB ITI Apprentice Recruitment 2021 Application Fee
The candidate has to pay the Application fee (Non-refundable) of Rs.100. No fee is required to be paid by SC/ ST/ PWD/ Female/ Transgender candidates. The appication fee can be paid via Credit Card, Debit Card, Net Banking, etc.
OFB ITI Apprentice Application Form 2021 Selection Process
The candidate selection will be done on the basis of the merit list in education. The merit list will be prepared separately for EX-ITI and NON-ITI category. The merit list for ITI category, a factory -wise common merit list will be prepared and the trades will be allotted by each factory on Merit-cum-choice basis after selection, NON-ITI category will be prepared factory-wise on the basis of overall percentage of marks in Madhyamik or matriculation (Class X standard or equivalent), aggregate in all subjects and irrespective of Board.
How to Apply Online for OFB Trade Apprentice Recruitment 2021
- Go to the Official Website of Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) i.e. ofb.gov.in.
- Find the advertisement for the OFB ITI Apprentice Vacancy 2021.
- Open it, and read the whole advertisement.
- Check that you are meeting such criteria or not. See if you are eligible; fill the OFB Recruitment 2021 application form.
- Recheck the total details mentioned in the given format, you have entered.
- And finally, submit it before the closing date which is 9th February 2021.
- Download and take a printout of the OFB ITI Apprentice Application Form 2021.
Important Links1
OFB ITI Apprentice Notification 2021 | Download Advertisement |
OFB Trade Apprentice Application Form 2021 | Apply Now |
OFB ITI Apprentice Jobs 2021 Admit Card | Check Here |
Official Website | ofbindia.gov.in |
Disclaimer – Candidates we have mentioned all the details related to OFB ITI Apprentice Recruitment 2021 from the official website. You will get all the possible links to download OFB 6060 ITI Apprentice Recruitment 2021 Notification, OFB ITI Apprentice Vacancy 2021 Admit Card. If you will face any problem while downloading, comment us on the comment box.