NVS Junior Secretariat Assistant Recruitment 2022 – Check JNVST Non Teaching Vacancy Notification 2022, Apply Online for 1925 JE, MTS, Steno Posts, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Jobs, How to Apply online for JNVST Group A B C Application Form 2022
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti has announced notification for the various vacancies. First candidates check JNVST Non Teaching Vacancy Notification carefully and apply instructions also. If they meet all eligibility criteria then apply for Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Jobs using the below link. The organization has started the JNVST Group A B C Application Form from 12th January 2022 till 10th February 2022.
First candidates have to register using a valid E-Mail ID and mobile number. After they log in using User ID and password and enter personal and academic details in the right manner. At the time of filling the JNVST Non Teaching Vacancy 2022, candidates must have photographs and signatures. The complete process for Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Jobs Registration is below here.
NVS Junior Secretariat Assistant Recruitment 2022 – JNVST Group A B C Application Form
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti has invited the online applications for recruitment of 1925 Vacancies under Non-Teaching Posts. Interested candidates can apply online via the link provided below. Before that candidates can check JNVST Non-Teaching Vacancy Eligibility Criteria like Educational Qualification, Age Limit, Application Fee for NVS Non-Teaching Recruitment 2022.
नवोदय विद्यालय समिति ने गैर-शिक्षण पदों के तहत 1925 रिक्तियों की भर्ती के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन आमंत्रित किए हैं। इच्छुक उम्मीदवार नीचे दिए गए लिंक के माध्यम से ऑनलाइन आवेदन कर सकते हैं। इससे पहले उम्मीदवार जेएनवीएसटी गैर-शिक्षण रिक्ति पात्रता मानदंड जैसे शैक्षिक योग्यता, आयु सीमा, एनवीएस गैर-शिक्षण भर्ती 2022 के लिए आवेदन शुल्क की जांच कर सकते हैं।
Organization Name | Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti |
Post Names | Assistant Commissioner, Staff Nurse, Assistant Section Officer, Audit Assistant, Junior Translation Officer, Junior Engineer, Stenographer, Computer Operator, Catering Assistant, Junior Secretariat Assistant, Electrician, Lab Attendant, MTS |
Total Vacancies | 1925 Vacancies |
Starting Date | 12th January 2022 |
Closing Date | 10th February 2022 |
Application Mode | Online Mode |
Category | Government Jobs |
Selection Process | Computer Based Test (CBT) & Interview |
Official Website | navodaya.gov.in |
एनवीएस जूनियर सचिवालय सहायक भर्ती 2022
नवोदय विद्यालय समिति ने विभिन्न रिक्तियों के लिए अधिसूचना की घोषणा की है। सबसे पहले उम्मीदवार जेएनवीएसटी गैर शिक्षण रिक्ति अधिसूचना को ध्यान से देखें और निर्देश भी लागू करें। यदि वे सभी पात्रता मानदंडों को पूरा करते हैं तो नीचे दिए गए लिंक का उपयोग करके नवोदय विद्यालय समिति नौकरियों के लिए आवेदन करें। संगठन ने 12 जनवरी 2022 से 10 फरवरी 2022 तक जेएनवीएसटी ग्रुप ए बी सी एप्लीकेशन फॉर्म शुरू किया है।
पहले उम्मीदवारों को एक वैध ई-मेल आईडी और मोबाइल नंबर का उपयोग करके पंजीकरण करना होगा। यूजर आईडी और पासवर्ड का उपयोग करके लॉग इन करने के बाद और सही तरीके से व्यक्तिगत और शैक्षणिक विवरण दर्ज करें। जेएनवीएसटी नॉन टीचिंग वेकेंसी 2022 को भरने के समय, उम्मीदवारों के पास फोटो और हस्ताक्षर होने चाहिए। नवोदय विद्यालय समिति नौकरियां पंजीकरण की पूरी प्रक्रिया यहां नीचे है।
JNVST Non-Teaching Vacancy 2022
The officials are filling a total of 1925 vacancies under NVS Application Form 2022 for the posts of Group A, Group B, and Group C Categories. Candidates can check more details on NVS Non-Teaching Recruitment 2022 such as vacancy details, Educational Qualification, Age Limit, and other details in the below table.
Group | Post Name | Vacancy |
A | Assistant Commissioner | 05 |
A | Assistant Commissioner (Admin) | 02 |
B | Female Staff Nurse | 82 |
C | Assistant Section Officer | 10 |
C | Audit Assistant | 11 |
C | Junior Translation Officer | 04 |
C | Junior Engineer (Civil) | 01 |
C | Stenographer | 22 |
C | Computer Operator | 04 |
C | Catering Assistant | 87 |
C | Junior Secretariat Assistant (RO Cadre) | 08 |
C | Junior Secretariat Assistant (JNV Cadre) | 622 |
C | Electrician cum Plumber | 273 |
C | Lab Attendant | 142 |
C | Mess Helper | 629 |
C | MTS | 23 |
Eligibility Criteria for JNVST Group A B C Application Form 2022
Before applying for NVS Junior Secretariat Assistant Recruitment 2022, candidates should ensure their eligibility for the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Examination 2022.
JNVST Non Teaching Vacancy 2022 – Educational Qualification
Candidates must have a Master Degree, Graduate Degree, Passed Sr. Secondary Examination, B Com, Degree in Civil Engineering, 12th, Degree, 10th, ITI from a recognized university.
Post Name | Essential Qualification |
Assistant Commissioner | (i) Master’s Degree in Humanities / Science / Commerce from a recognized Institution / University
(ii) Persons holding analogous post or post of Principal in the Level -12 (Rs.78800-209200) in the Pay Matrix OR With at least 5 years experience |
Assistant Commissioner (Admin) | (1) Graduate Degree from a recognized University.
(2) Holding analogous post on regular basis OR *With 8 years service in the Level 7 (Rs.44900-142400) in the Pay Matrix (3) Possessing experience of handling Administrative / Financial matters |
Female Staff Nurse | a) Passed Sr. Secondary Examination (Class XII) or equivalent and
b) Grade ‘A’(Three years) Diploma/ Certificate in Nursing from a recognized Institution. OR B.Sc. (Nursing) from a recognized University/ Institution. 2. Registration with Indian/ State Nursing Council. 3. Practical experience of two years in a Hospital/ Clinic. |
Assistant Section Officer | 1. Degree from a recognized University.
2. Knowledge of Computer Operation. |
Audit Assistant | B Com from a recognized University. |
Junior Translation Officer | 1. Master’s Degree of a recognized University in Hindi with English as a compulsory or
elective subject or as the medium of examination at the Degree level OR Master’s Degree of a recognized University in English with Hindi as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at the Degree level. AND 2. Recognized Diploma or certificate course in translation from Hindi to English & vice versa or two years’ experience of translation work from Hindi to English and vice versa in Central/ State Government offices, including Govt. of India Undertaking. |
Junior Engineer (Civil) | Degree in Civil Engineering OR Three years Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized institution with three years experience in the construction of buildings. |
Stenographer | 1. Senior Secondary School Certificate (Class XII)
2. Shorthand speed of 80 words per minute and Typing Speed of 40 words per minute in English corresponding to 12000 KDPH. OR Shorthand speed of 60 words per minute and Typing Speed of 30 words per minute in Hindi corresponds to 9000 KDPH. |
Computer Operator | 1. Degree from a recognized Institution/ University.
2. Skill in word-processing & data entry with a one-year Computer Diploma from a recognized Institution. |
Catering Assistant | 1. Secondary School (X class pass) and
2. Three Years Diploma in Catering or equivalent from an Institution recognized by the Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India/State Govt. OR Passed Sr. Secondary (Class XII) from CBSE with Hotel Management and Catering as Vocational Subject and at least one year experience in catering. OR Passed Sr. Secondary (Class XII) or equivalent and one-year diploma in catering or equivalent from a recognized institution with three years experience in catering in reputed institutions/hotels. OR Trade proficiency Certificate in Catering with a minimum of 10 years of service in Defence Services of the regular establishment (for Ex-Servicemen only). |
Junior Secretariat Assistant (RO Cadre) | Senior Secondary Certificate (Class XII) from a recognized Board and possessing a minimum speed of 30 words per minute in English typewriting or 25 words per minute in Hindi typewriting [corresponding to 9000 KDPH (for English Typewriting) or 7500 KDPH (for
Hindi Typewriting) on an average of 5 key depressions for each word] OR Passed +2 level of Senior Secondary from CBSE/State Board with Secretarial Practices and Office Management as Vocational Subjects. |
Junior Secretariat Assistant (JNV Cadre) | Senior Secondary Certificate (Class XII) from a recognized Board and possessing minimum
speed of 30 words per minute in English typewriting or 25 words per minute in Hindi typewriting [corresponding to 9000 KDPH (for English Typewriting) or 7500 KDPH (for Hindi Typewriting) on an average of 5 key depressions for each word] OR Passed +2 level of Senior Secondary from CBSE/ State Board with Secretarial Practices and Office Management as Vocational Subjects. |
Electrician cum Plumber | 1. 10th class pass.
2. ITI Certificate or equivalent in the trade of Electrician or Wireman / Plumbing from a Recognized Institute. 3. At least 02 years of experience in electrical installation, wiring, and plumbing work. |
Lab Attendant | 10th Class pass with a certificate/diploma in Laboratory Technique
OR 12th Class with Science stream from a recognized Board / University |
Mess Helper | 1. Matriculation pass (Class X passed from a recognized board).
2. 10 years experience of working in Government residential organizations/schools. 3. Passing of Skill Test prescribed by NVS. |
MTS | Class X from a recognized board |
NVS Junior Secretariat Assistant Recruitment 2022 – Age Limit
Post Name | Age |
Assistant Commissioner | Max 45 Years |
Assistant Commissioner (Admin) | Max 45 Years |
Female Staff Nurse | Max 35 Years |
Assistant Section Officer | Between 18-30 Years |
Audit Assistant | 18-30 Years |
Junior Translation Officer | Max 32 Years |
Junior Engineer (Civil) | Max 35 Years |
Stenographer | 18-27 Years |
Computer Operator | 18-30 Years |
Catering Assistant | Max 35 Years |
Junior Secretariat Assistant (RO Cadre) | 18-27 Years |
Junior Secretariat Assistant (JNV Cadre) | 18-27 Years |
Electrician cum Plumber | 18-40 Years |
Lab Attendant | 18-30 Years |
Mess Helper | 18-30 Years |
MTS | 18-30 Years |
JNVST Group A B C Application Form 2022 – Pay Scale
Post Name | Pay Scale |
Assistant Commissioner | Level-12 (Rs. 78800-209200) |
Assistant Commissioner (Admin) | Level-11 (Rs. 67700-208700) |
Female Staff Nurse | Level-7 (Rs. 49900-142400) |
Assistant Section Officer | Level-6 (Rs. 35400-112400) |
Audit Assistant | Level-6 (Rs. 35400-112400) |
Junior Translation Officer | Level-6 (Rs. 35400-112400) |
Junior Engineer (Civil) | Level-5 (Rs. 29200-92300) |
Stenographer | Level-4 (Rs. 25500-81100) |
Computer Operator | Level-4 (Rs. 25500-81100) |
Catering Assistant | Level-4 (Rs. 25500-81100) |
Junior Secretariat Assistant (RO Cadre) | Level-2 (Rs. 19900-63200) |
Junior Secretariat Assistant (JNV Cadre) | Level-2 (Rs. 19900-63200) |
Electrician cum Plumber | Level-2 (Rs. 19900-63200) |
Lab Attendant | Level-1 (Rs. 18000-56900) |
Mess Helper | Level-1 (Rs. 18000-56900) |
MTS | Level-1 (Rs. 18000-56900) |
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Jobs 2022 – Application Fee
There will not be any application fees for SC, ST, & PH candidates. The application fees will be paid only through the online mode.
Post Name | Fees |
Assistant Commissioner, Assistant Commissioner (Admn.) | 1500 |
Female Staff Nurse | 1200 |
Lab Attendant, Mess Helper, Multi Tasking Staff | 750 |
All Other Posts | 1000 |
SC / ST / PH | 0 |
How to Apply Online for JNVST Group A B C Application Form 2022
If you want to apply for JNVST Non Teaching Vacancy then must read the official Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Jobs Notification carefully. Aspirants are required to apply online using the link www.navodaya.gov.in.
The applicants are advised to submit only single JNVST 2022 Application; however if due to any unavoidable situation, if he/she submits another/multiple applications, then he/she must ensure that JNVST Group A B C Application Form 2022 with the higher RID (Registration ID) is complete in all respects like applicants details, examination center, photograph, signature, fee, etc.
- Candidates have to open the official website – navodaya.gov.in.
- On the homepage, search for the Advertisement in the What’s New Section.
- Download the RECRUITMENT DRIVE 2021-22.
- Read the information mentioned in the Advertisement carefully.
- If you are eligible and interested then apply online from the link mentioned below.
- Fill out the Online JNVST Group A B C Application Form 2022.
- Pay the Application Fee as per the required posts.
- And submit all the required details to the Officials before the closing date.
Download NVS Vacancy Notification 2022 PDF
Apply Online JNVST Group A B C Application Form
Disclaimer – We tried to give full details about NVS Junior Secretariat Assistant Recruitment 2022 in this article. We hope that all candidates will easily fill out the JNVST Non Teaching Vacancy Online Form using the above link.