KVPY Syllabus 2021, KVPY Aptitude Test Pattern, Download KVPY Scholarship Exam Syllabus for Class 11, Class 12, Subjective wise Syllabus for Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana Exam
KVPY 2021 Syllabus- Indian Institute of science is conducting the KVPY Aptitude Test on 31st January 2021. Now aspirants are required to know the latest Syllabus and know about Paper Pattern for better preparation. The KVPY Aptitude Test Syllabus consists of four subjects namely Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics & Biology.
In the KVPY Syllabus, topics will come streams of Students i.e. 10th, 11th, 12th and 1st Year of B.Sc/BS/B.Stat./B. Math./Int.M.Sc/MS etc. Therefore contenders first collect important latest material like Books, Coaching Notes, Tips, Strategy, OldYear Papers and then start self Study under expert Guidelines. To get good marks on the test students should clear all topics from the KVPY Exam Syllabus. We have provided here KVPY Exam Pattern, Previous Year Paper, Best Books Name and Subject wise notes.
KVPY Aptitude Test Syllabus 2021 – KVPY Paper Pattern
The Department of Science and Technology, Government of India is going to award KVPY Scholarship to students through KVPY Aptitude Test. The Applications are invited from school and college students interested in pursuing Basic Science Courses and Career in Research.
The KVPY is not easy because most of the questions that are asked in the exam are according to JEE Main or JEE Advanced level. So students are required to first complete the KVPY Syllabus of their previous class.
KVPY 2021 Details
Department Name | Indian Institute of science |
Post Category | Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana Fellowship Award (KVPY) |
Test Name | KVPY Aptitude Test 2021 |
Application Mode | Online |
Official website | kvpy.iisc.ernet.in |
Important Dates | |
Opening date for KVPY Registration | 6th September 2021 |
last date for KVPY Application form | 30th October 2021 |
KVPY Exam Date | 31st January 2022 |
Selection Process for KVPY 2021
The First step of the selection process will be the KVPY Aptitude Test 2021. Candidates meeting the eligibility criteria for various streams will be called for an aptitude test conducted both in Hindi and English at different centers across the country on Sunday, the 31st January 2022.
KVPY Exam Pattern 2021
Before checking KVPY Syllabus 2021 in detail, let’s see the KVPY Exam Pattern. All candidates want to know what type of paper and question asked in the Examination. The KVPY comprises a Paper Pen format with 100 Questions to answer. Every year the cutoff marks for the different categories (SC/ST/PwD) are released by the KVPY.
To crack the Exam and get a score, students cover all topics for the KVPY Aptitude Test Syllabus from SA (Class 10 & 11), SX (Class 10, 11 & 12) and SB (Class 10th, 12th & 1 year of UG).
Download Admit Card of KVPY Aptitude Test
KVPY Exam Syllabus 2021
The Whole KVPY Exam Question Paper will be made from Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology subjects. The Questions will be asked from Class X, XI, XII and 1 year of undergraduate streams.
KVY Syllabus for SA
The KVPY SA Syllabus consists of all the topics and chapters from Class X and XI. Followings subjects that are covered in SA stream like-
Physics | Chemistry | Mathematics | Biology |
KVPY Exam Syllabus for SX
The KVPY Syllabus for SX covers the topics and chapters from classes class X, XI & XII. Again the same four subjects are covered in the syllabus – Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Mathematics. It is just that the KVPY Syllabus for Class 12 is added for the SX stream.
- Thermodynamics
- Electrostatics
- Refraction
- Current Electricity
- Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current
- Magnetic Effects of Current
- Reflection of Light
- Electromagnetic Induction
- Kinematics
- Work
- Energy and Power
- Sources of Energy
- Physical World and Measurement
- Gravitation, Laws of Motion
- Chemical Reactions
- Environmental Chemistry
- Solid State
- Electrochemistry
- Chemical Kinetics
- Isolation of Elements
- Periodic Classification of Elements
- Surface Chemistry
- States of Matter: Gases and Liquids
- Metals and Nonmetals
- Carbon Compounds
- Basic Concepts of Chemistry
- Thermodynamics
- Classification of Elements and
- Periodicity in Properties
- Human Physiology
- Biology and Human Welfare
- Control and Coordination in Animals and Plants
- Ecology and Environment
- Cell: Structure and Function
- Genetics and Evolution
- Life Processes
- Plant Physiology
- Diversity of Living Organisms
- Reproduction
- Trigonometric Functions
- Geometry
- Linear Programming
- Vectors and 3D Geometry
- Calculus
- Relations and Functions
- Coordinate Geometry
- Mathematical Reasoning
- Real Number
- Polynomials
- Introduction to Trigonometry
- Surface Areas and Volumes
- Statistics and Quadratic Equations
- Probability
- Statistics and
- Probability
NTSE Application Form | UP Scholarship Form |
Rai Publication Scholarship | CCRT Scholarship Form |
KVPY SB Syllabus
The KVPY SB Exam Syllabus consists of topics from class 10th and 12th streams, 1st year of under Graduation syllabus is also covered for the same subjects.
Physics: Thermodynamics, Reflection, Electrostatics, Current Electricity, Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current, Waves and Optics, Electricity and Magnetism, Electrostatics and Thermal Physics, Electromagnetic Induction, Physical World and Measurement, Sources of Energy, Refraction and its Applications in Daily Life, Kinematics, Laws of Motion, Magnetic Effects of Current, Work, Energy and Power, Gravitation.
Mathematics: Coordinate Geometry, Mathematical Reasoning, Statistics and Probability, Trigonometric Functions, Linear Programming, Relations and Functions, Analytical Geometry in Two Dimensions, Vector Algebra, Evaluation of Integrals, Statistics, Surface Areas and Volumes, Vectors and 3D Geometry, Calculus, Real Number, Polynomials, Geometry, Introduction to Trigonometry, Quadratic Equations, Probability.
Chemistry: Metals and Nonmetals, Environmental Chemistry, Solid State, Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Isolation of Elements, Surface Chemistry, Chemical Bonding, Chemistry of Noble Gases, Structure and Bonding, Alkenes, Cycloalkenes, Dienes and Alkynes, Thermodynamics, Chemical Reactions, Basic Concepts of Chemistry, Periodic Classification of Elements, Carbon Compounds, Acids, Bases and Salts, States of Matter: Gases and Liquids, Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties.
Biology: Plant Physiology, Reproduction, Diversity of Living Organisms, Cell: Structure and Function, Biology and Human Welfare, Biotechnology, Genetics, Life Processes, Human Physiology, Control and Coordination in Animals and Plants, Genetics and Evolution, Our Environment, Ecology and Environment.
KVPY Previous Question Papers & Answer
Apart from KVPY Syllabus, candidates can prepare using Old Year Solved Question Paper. The KVPY Previous year Papers are very important to know the exact Pattern of Examination. The Board will upload Mock Test for KVPY Aptitude Test 2020. So they join the online KVPY Mock Test from here.
KVPY Fellowship
The Fellow continues to study Basic Science courses in school/junior college/university and maintains a minimum level of academic performance of first-class or 60% (50% for SC/ST/PWD) marks in aggregate
students have to necessarily pass all the subjects prescribed for that particular academic year and should have obtained the above-specified percentage of marks
Basic Sciences | Monthly Fellowship | Annual Contingency Grant |
SA/SX/SB- During 1st to 3rd Years of- B.Sc/ B.S/ B.Stat/ B.Math/ INtegrated M.Sc /M.S | Rs 5000/- | Rs 20000/- |
SA/SX/SB – during M. Sc. / 4th to 5th years of Integrated M.Sc. /M.S./M.Math./M.Stat. | Rs 7000/- | Rs 28000/- |
KVPY Admit Card
Candidates may download the admit card for the aptitude test from the website from the second week of January 2022. At the time of download the KVPY Hall Ticket, they log in using User ID and password. It is mandatory to bring the Call Letter at the Exam center for everyone.
Topics wise KVPY Syllabus 2021 are given in this article. We have tried to complete the Syllabus for KVPY Aptitude Test 2021 and the Question Paper for Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Biology. Candidates put their comments here if they want to know more details.
I don’t know about the bullet points.. seems a bit forced.
This is relevant for mysubscribers on Facebook-love this!