IDBI Executive Admit Card 2023 Online Computer Based Exam Date, Center City Name download IDBI Executive Hall Ticket Name wise link- www.idbibank.in
Finally, good news for all those candidates who have applied for Recruitment of Executives. Because Industrial Development Bank of India Limited has released Executive Call Letter on 23 June 2023. As per the official report, Recruitment Board will organize an online Exam on 02 July 2023 across the country at various centers. Therefore, aspirants may also know their IDBI Executive Exam Center City Name & District Location along with Hall Ticket. It is equally important to download the permission letter using the below link.
Moreover, aspirants visit the below link to download IDBI Executive Admit Card 2023 Name wise. Generally, aspirants will need login details such as Registration/Roll number and Date of birth to download IDBI Executive Exam Call Letter Name wise. We have also provided here latest Exam Pattern, Syllabus and more here. They may further visit the official website www.idbibank.in for more details.
IDBI Executive Admit Card 2023 Online Exam Date Call Letter
Industrial Development Bank of India Limited is going to recruit eligible candidates for 1036 vacancies of Executive posts. And authority will recruit these posts through online Exam and Personal Interview/Document Verification. Recently, Department has invited online Applications from 24 May to 7th June 2023. And a huge number of participants have registered or IDBI Bank Executive Bharti. Now they are searching Exam Date, Test Center City Name and Call Letter Roll number wise. Therefore, we are introducing here a direct link to access IDBI Bank Executive Admit Card Name wise.
भारतीय औद्योगिक विकास बैंक लिमिटेड में 1036 पदों पर एग्जीक्यूटिव भारत परीक्षा का आयोजन होगा। इसके लिए बोर्ड ने परीक्षा तिथि, सेण्टर नाम एवं एडमिट कार्ड जारी कस्र दिए है। लिखित परीक्षा दिनांक 02 जुलाई 2023 विभिन्न परीक्षा केन्द्रो पर होगी। परीक्षा में 200 प्रश्न लॉजिकल रीजनिंग, डाटा एनालिसिस & इंटरप्रिटेशन, इंग्लिश, क्वांटिटेटिव एप्टीटुड एवं जनरल बैंक नॉलेज से आएंगे। प्रत्येक प्रश्न 1 अंक का होगा, इस प्रकार परीक्षा कुल 200 अंक की होगी। इसके अलावा अभ्यर्थी सबसे पहले अपना आईडीबीआई एग्जीक्यूटिव एडमिट कार्ड डाउनलोड करे, जिसका सीधा लिंक निचे दिया गया है।
IDBI Bank Executive Exam 2023 Details
Organization Name | IDBI Bank |
Post Names | Executive |
Total Vacancies | 1036 |
Exam Date | 02 July 2023 |
Admit Card Release Date | 23 June 2023 |
Category | Admit Card |
Selection Process | Online Test, Document verification and Pre-Recruitment Medical Test |
Job Location | Across India |
Official Website | www.idbibank.in |
आईडीबीआई कार्यकारी एडमिट कार्ड 2023
IDBI बैंक ने कार्यकारी पद के लिए परीक्षा तिथियां जारी कर दी हैं। संगठन आईडीबीआई बैंक लिमिटेड में 1036 रिक्तियों को भरेगा। सबसे पहले, वे आईडीबीआई बैंक कार्यकारी परीक्षा तिथि नोट करते हैं और नीचे दिए गए आधिकारिक लिंक का उपयोग करके IDBI Executive Admit Card डाउनलोड करते हैं।
सभी के लिए परीक्षा केंद्र पर आईडीबीआई बैंक हॉल टिकट लाना अनिवार्य है. आईडीबीआई बैंक कार्यकारी ऑनलाइन परीक्षा कॉल लेटर 2023 डाउनलोड करने की प्रक्रिया नीचे दी गई है। उम्मीदवारों को आईबीपीएस आईडीबीआई प्रवेश पत्र प्राप्त करने के लिए पंजीकरण संख्या, जन्म तिथि और अन्य विवरण प्रदान करने की आवश्यकता है। एडमिट कार्ड के साथ, वे परीक्षा पैटर्न, सिलेबस, टेस्ट स्कीम और पूरी चयन प्रक्रिया भी देख सकते हैं।
IDBI Bank Executive Admit Card 2023 Details
Finally, Department has released the IDBI Admit Card name-wise on 23.06.2023. Likewise, Authority is ready to organize the written exam on 02.07.2023. Aspirants who had applied for the Executive post. After download The IDBI Bank Executive Admit Card, candidates must check the details printed on IDBI Call Letter. Meanwhile, followings information are available on the Admit Card-
- Candidate’s Name and Father’s Name
- Roll number, Registration number
- Date of birth, Gender, Category
- Exam Date, day, and timing exam
- Paper pattern and section name of the syllabus
- Test center Name, Code, and Address
- Space for photograph and Signature
- Exam instructions
How to download IDBI Executive Admit Card 2023 Online
IDBI is going to conduct the written exam for IDBI Bank Executive Exam. The eligible candidate should download his/her call letter from the link provided on the authorized Board website idbibank.in by entering his/ her details i.e. Registration Number and Password/Date of Birth. The candidate should note that a hard copy of the call letter/ Information Handout etc. will NOT be sent by post/courier.
IDBI बैंक कार्यकारी परीक्षा के लिए IDBI लिखित परीक्षा आयोजित कर रहा है। पात्र उम्मीदवार अपना कॉल लेटर अधिकृत बोर्ड की वेबसाइट idbibank.in पर दिए गए लिंक से अपना विवरण यानी पंजीकरण संख्या और पासवर्ड / जन्म तिथि दर्ज करके डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं। उम्मीदवार ध्यान दें कि कॉल लेटर/सूचना हैंडआउट आदि की हार्ड कॉपी डाक/कूरियर से नहीं भेजी जाएगी।
- First Candidates visit the official website i.e. idbibank.in
- After that, from the homepage, search for the link.
- And then, Open the desired link and login credentials.
- Enter the Registration number/ Roll Number and Password (Date of birth)
- Also, fill given Captcha and click on the login button
- Check the details available on IDBI Executive Admit Card 2023.
- Finally, Save and take a printout of the IDBI Bank Executive Hall Ticket for further use.
Download IDBI Bank Executive Admit Card
Valid ID proof to carry along with IDBI Executive Admit Card 2023
Aspirants have to carry the admit Card along with IDBI Executive Admit Card at the exam center. They will not be allowed in the exam hall if they don’t have any required documents. Invigilators verify the details using Admit Card and one photo identity card.
- Aadhar Card
- Voter ID
- Bank Pass Book with the photograph
- College ID
- Employee ID
- PAN Card
- Passport
- Driving License
IDBI Bank Executive Exam Pattern 2023
Well, Separate online examinations for IDBI Bank Bharti of the following subjects shall be conducted for the selection of Executive posts. However, a merit list of successful candidates shall be prepared on the basis of the marks obtained in the online examination and preference for the Banks indicated by the candidate.
- The Exam will be an Online Objection Type.
- The Exam Will be of a Minimum 200 Marks / Questions.
- Time Duration of the Examination will is 90 Minutes.
- There Will be a Negative Marking of 0.25 Marks.
Test Name | Total Questions | Maximum Marks |
Test of Reasoning | 50 | 50 |
Test of Working English Language | 50 | 50 |
Test of Quantitative Aptitude | 50 | 50 |
Total | 150 | 150 |
Disclaimer – Thus, Candidates have to produce, in original, the same photo identity proof bearing the name as it appears on the online application form/ call letter and submit a photocopy of the photo identity proof along with IDBI Executive Admit Card 2023 while attending the examination. We have also given details of the IDBI Bank Executive Call Letter here. Still, aspirants may further ask any doubt by putting in below comment box.