Bihar Health Department Recruitment 2021- Bihar Junior Resident Vacancy Category wise, Health Dept Bihar 1430 Jr Resident Jobs Eligibility Criteria, Selection on Jr Resident will purely basis on Tenure duration up to 1 year
The Bihar Government is recruiting eligible candidates in the health Department. This is the latest Govt Jobs for job seekers who want to make a career in the Medical Field. Eligible candidates can apply for Bihar Health Dept Jobs from 15th May 2021.
Our team has provided a complete Registration Process for Bihar Jr Resident Vacancy on this page. Students fill the Registration Form with valid personal Details, E-Mail Id and Mobile Number. At the time of Filling the Bihar Health Junior Resident Jobs application Form, you must have the necessary Document and Certificate.
There is not any written exam held for Selection of Bihar Health Department Recruitment. The Last Date to apply for BHD Jr Resident Recruitment is 24th May 2021. other useful details are given below here.
Bihar Health Dept Junior Resident Recruitment 2021
Advertisement has been published for appointment on the basis of tenure on the vacant posts of junior residents in state medical colleges and hospitals in the state. 1430 posts of Junior Resident will be appointed for tenure duration up to 01 Year. Applicant should have an MBBS degree recognized by the Medical Council of India.
चयन प्रक्रिया का आधार निम्न होगा –
शैक्षणिक योग्यता | अधिकतम अंक |
सभी एमबीबीएस परीक्षाओ के प्राप्तांक के कुल योग के प्रतिशत के आधार पर प्रत्येक पूर्ण प्रतिशत के लिए 0.8 अंक दिया जायेगा (पूर्ण प्रतिशत 0.5 या इससे ऊपर को मन जायेगा) | 80 अंक |
स्नातकोर डिग्री/डिप्लोमा | 20 अंक / 10 अंक |
कुल अधिकतम अंक | 100 अंक |
Bihar Health Dept Recruitment Details
Department Name | Bihar Health Department, Bihar |
Total Posts | 1430 |
Post Name | Junior Resident |
Job Category | Medical Jobs |
Location | Bihar |
Application mode | online |
Selection Process | Academic Records / Tenure Duration up to one Year |
Start date to apply for BTSC MO Jobs | 15 May 2021 |
Close date to submit the Application form | 24th May 2021 |
Official website | https://state.bihar.gov.in/ |
Eligibility Criteria for Bihar Junior Resident Recruitment
Aspirants should have complete eligible criteria for Bihar Health Department Recruitment. Here, they first check Eligibility regarding Education Qualification and Age limit.
Education– MBBS degree recognized / approved by Medical Council of India भारतीय चिकित्सा परिषद द्वारा मान्यता प्राप्त / अनुमति प्राप्त एम०बी०बी०एस० डिग्री। Latest Graduate Jobs
Note: राज्य स्वास्थ्य सेवा में कार्यरत नियमित चिकित्सक आवेदन के पात्र नहीं होंगे।
Age Limit- As on 01.08.2020, the maximum of the candidate should be the followings –
- General Male- 37 Years
- General Female- 40 Years
- BC/OBC (Male/Female)- 40 Years
- SC/ST (Male/Female)- 42 Years
Bihar Health Dept Jr Resident Vacancy Details
Category Name | Total Posts |
UR | 572 |
EBC | 257 |
BC | 171 |
SC | 229 |
ST | 15 |
EWS | 143 |
BC Female | 43 |
Total Posts | 1430 |
How to apply for Bihar Health Dept Jr Resident Recruitment registration
Aspirants can apply for Bihar Health Department Recruitment online by visiting the official website i.e. https://state.bihar.gov.in/. The Registration will complete using a valid E-Mail ID and Mobile number. At the time of applying for Bihar Junior Resident Vacancy, applicants must have the necessary documents, photographs and signatures in the specified format. Follow the below steps to fill Bihar Jr Resident Application-
- First of all, candidates visit the official website i.e. https://state.bihar.gov.in/
- Then go to the Recruitment section
- Click on On-going Vacancies and Open Advertisement
- Hit on “राज्य के चिकित्सा महाविद्यालय एवं अस्पतालों में जूनियर रेजिडेंट के रिक्त पदों पर टेन्योर के आधार पर नियुक्ति के संबंध में”
- Click on Candidate Registration and complete it using E-Mail ID, Personal details and Mobile number
- Fill in Academic details and Upload photograph and Signature
- Save and take the printout of the Bihar Jr Resident Jobs Application for further use
Students apply for Bihar Health Department Recruitment for 1430 Junior Resident Vacancies using the above link. You can ask your doubts by putting a comment here. We have provided details from the official website. You can refer official Advertisement for more details.
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