Bihar Enforcement SI Admit Card 201– Download Bihar Police ESI Hall Ticket Name wise, BPSSC Police Enforcement Sub Inspector Mains Admit Card, and check how to download Bihar Police Enforcement SI Call Letter
Bihar Police ESI Mains Admit Card- The Department of Bihar Police Subordinate Service Commission will soon announce the BPSSC Police Enforcement SI Call Letter for various posts such as Police Sub Inspector, Sergeant, Assistant Superintendent Jail (Direct Recruitment, Ex-Serviceman).
The Department has conducted Enforcement SI Preliminary Exam on 06th December 2020. And Authority has also declared the result and list of qualified candidates eligible for the Mains Exam. Contenders who have applied for the Bihar Police SI Exam can download the Bihar Enforcement SI Admit Card 2021 from the link provided below.
To appear for the examination, the candidate has to bring Bihar Police ESI Mains Admit Card 2021 at the time of examination. Without hall ticket, no one is able to attend the exam. We had also mentioned the BPSSC Enforcement SI Exam Pattern for a candidate to prepare for the exam according to the Bihar Police SI Exam. For the latest updates candidates can visit our website on a regular basis.
Bihar Police Sub-ordinate Services Commission will conduct the Main (Written) Exam for Enforcement Sub-Inspector Advt. No. 02/2019. The New Exam date will announce in due course. Candidates stay tuned here for upcoming updates-
Bihar Enforcement SI Admit Card 2021 – Bihar Police ESI Prelims Call letter
The BPSSC has announced the official notification for the various posts under the Advt. no. 01/2020 to fill a total of 2446 Vacancies. The board is conducting a written exam for various posts which are mentioned below in the table as you can see.
The selection of the applicant will be on the basis of the Bihar Police SI Prelims and Mains Examination. Those who will qualify the prelims exam will proceed to the further examination rounds. For more read the entire article.
Organization Name | Bihar Police Subordinate Service Commission |
Post Name | Police Sub Inspector, Sergeant, Assistant Superintendent Jail (Direct Recruitment, Ex-Serviceman) |
Advt. No | 02/2020 |
Total Vacancies | 212 Vacancies |
BPSSC Police SI Exam Date | 06th December 2020 |
Bihar Police ESI Mains Exam Date | Release Soon |
Category | Bihar Enforcement SI Admit Card |
Selection Process | Written Test (Prelims, Mains), Physical Test, Personal Interview |
Job Location | Bihar |
Official Website | bpssc.bih.nic.in |
बिहार प्रवर्तन एसआई एडमिट कार्ड 2021
बिहार पुलिस अधीनस्थ सेवा आयोग विभाग जल्द ही पुलिस सब इंस्पेक्टर, सार्जेंट, सहायक अधीक्षक जेल (सीधी भर्ती, भूतपूर्व सैनिक) जैसे विभिन्न पदों के लिए BPSSC पुलिस प्रवर्तन SI कॉल पत्र की घोषणा करेगा। अधिकारी बिहार SSC Enforcement Sub Inspector Exam का आयोजन 06 December 2020 को करेगा। बिहार प्रवर्तन SI के लिए एडमिट कार्ड अप्रैल के दूसरे सप्ताह में जारी किया जाएगा। जिन उम्मीदवारों ने बिहार पुलिस SI परीक्षा के लिए आवेदन किया है, वे बिहार प्रवर्तन SI परीक्षा कार्ड डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं।
परीक्षा में शामिल होने के लिए, उम्मीदवार को परीक्षा के समय Bihar Enforcement Sub Inspector Admit Card 2021 लाना होगा। हॉल टिकट के बिना, कोई भी परीक्षा में शामिल होने में सक्षम नहीं है। हमने बिहार पुलिस SI परीक्षा के अनुसार परीक्षा की तैयारी के लिए एक उम्मीदवार के लिए BPSSC प्रवर्तन SI परीक्षा पैटर्न का भी उल्लेख किया था। नवीनतम अपडेट के लिए उम्मीदवार नियमित रूप से हमारी वेबसाइट पर जा सकते हैं।
Bihar PSSC Enforcement SI Exam Selection Process
The selection of the candidate will be done on the basis of various selection modes such as Written Test (Prelims, Mains), Physical Test, and Personal Interview. Candidates who will qualify the Bihar Enforcement SI Prelims Exam will proceed to the next round which is the mains exam and so on.
- Written Exam (Preliminary & Main)
- Physical Standard Test
- Interview
Bihar Police Enforcement SI Exam – Physical Standard Test
Category | Male | Female |
Height | 165 Centimetres | 150 Centimetres |
Chest | 79 to 84 Centimetres | NA |
Walking | 25 KM in 4 Hours | 14 KM in 4 Hours |
How to Download BPSSC Police Enforcement SI Admit Card 2021
Candidates can download and check the Bihar Police ESI Main Exam Hall Ticket by following the steps provided below. Candidates who have applied for the BPSSC Police SI Exam can download the admit card for the various posts such as Police Sub Inspector, Sergeant, Assistant Superintendent Jail (Direct Recruitment, Ex-Serviceman) to attend the examination.
- Visit the official website of the Bihar Police Subordinate Service Commission i.e. bpssc.bih.nic.in.
- On the home page of the Bihar Police Subordinate Service Commission (BPSSC) search for the download link BPSSC Enforcement SI Mains Hall Ticket 2021.
- Click on that link.
- Now the login page will open.
- Enter the registration number, password, and date of birth.
- Click on the submit button.
- Now, Download and take a printout of the Bihar Enforcement SI Admit Card 2021 for further use.
Download Bihar Enforcement SI Admit Card
Details mentioned on Bihar Enforcement SI Hall Ticket 2021
After downloading the BPSSC Police Enforcement SI Call Letter, check the details mentioned on the Admit Card. The candidate details and exam details are the important information mentioned on the Bihar PSSC Enforcement SI Hall Ticket.
- Candidate Name
- Father’s Name
- Paper Pattern
- Test Centre Address
- Venue and Code
- Mother’s Name
- Caste, Category, & Gender
- Date of birth
- Exam Date & Day
- Exam instructions
- Space for Photograph & Signature
Required Documents during the Bihar Enforcement Sub Inspector Exam
Candidate must have any one of the following id proof during Bihar Police ESI Mains Exam 2021.
- Aadhar Card
- Voter ID Card
- PAN card
- Passport
- Bank Passbook
- One Passport Size Photograph
BPSSC Police Enforcement SI Exam Pattern 2021
The Bihar Police Enforcement Sub Inspector Exam will be in two phases such as the Preliminary & Mains Examination. The Exam will be offline Multiple Choice Type. Minimum 30% Marks is compulsory in the written Examination of the BPSSSC Enforcement SI Exam. In this section, you can check Bihar Enforcement SI Prelims & Mains Exam Pattern for examination.
Bihar Enforcement SI Prelims Exam Pattern
Subjects | Total Question | Total Marks |
General Knowledge | 100 | 200 |
Current Affairs |
Bihar Enforcement SI Mains Exam Pattern
Subjects | Total Question | Total Marks |
General Hindi | 100 | 200 |
General Knowledge, General Science, Math, and Reasoning | 100 | 200 |
- The Bihar Police ESI Exam will be Offline Mode (written exam).
- There will be Objective Type/Multiple choice answers in the Bihar Enforcement Sub Inspector Exam.
- The BPSSSC ESI Exam will contain 100 questions.
- The Paper will consist of General knowledge & Current Topics.
- Qualify the Bihar Enforcement SI Exam candidate has to score Maximum passing marks which are 200 and the minimum qualifying marks are more than 30.
- The time duration to solve the question paper will be 2 hours.
Disclaimer – We have gathered all the details from the official website of the Bihar Police Subordinate Service Commission (BPSSC). You will get all the possible Details & links to download the Bihar Enforcement SI Admit Card 2021 and the steps to download the Bihar Police ESI Mains Admit Card. We hope you liked the article. Please give comments on the comment box if you have any query related to this post.