AIAPGET 2023- Exam Dates, Application Form for All India AYUSH Postgraduate Entrance Test, Check AIAPGET Notification, Eligibility Criteria & Exam Pattern
NTA PG Entrance Exam Notification- The National Testing Agency is conducting the “All India Ayush Post Graduate Entrance Test 2023 (AIAPGET)”. The AIAPGET Exam Date will release Soon and conduct in September/October 2023. It provides Admission in All India Quota Seats, State Quota seats for MS/MD/Postgraduate and doctoral Courses in Ayurveda, Unani, Sidha & Homoeopathy courses. Students who completed their Graduation (UG) with a minimum of 50% marks are eligible for the AIAPGET Exam.
Candidates should know that NTA has started the process of filling the AIAPGET Application Form 2023 from August 2023. We advised candidates that must check the complete eligibility criteria and AIAPGET Notification before applying for the All India Post Graduate Entrance Test. From here all students check the All India Ayush PG Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Test Schedule, Admit Card, Answer key and Result for AIAPGET Entrance Exam 2023.
First candidates complete Online Registration for NTA Ayush PG Entrance Exam with a valid E-Mail ID and Mobile number. They fill the All India Ayush PG Entrance Test Online form in the right manner. The last date to submit the AIAPGET Online Application is on or before the last date.
AIAPGET Application Form 2023- Notification, Eligibility Criteria Registration
The National Testing Agency is planning to organize the All India AYUSH Postgraduate Entrance Test. This time lots of candidates are waiting for AIAPGET 2023 Notification. Students who will obtain passing marks in this entrance exam will be able for admission to Ayush MS/MD Post Graduate (PG) Degree courses. There will be 100 questions asked in this exam and papers will be made from subjects including BAMS/BSMS/BUMS/BHMS course.
Admit Cards for AIAPGET Exam will be available from October 2023 First week. Therefore we advised you to fill out AIAPGET Application Form 2023 with the correct details using the below-applying instructions. They must submit the Al India PGET online form before 3rd Week of August 2023.
RSMSSB Forest Guard Exam Date & Admit Card
All India Ayush PG Entrance Test Dates Details
Test Name | All India Ayush Post Graduate Entrance Test (AIAPGET) |
Organization Name | National Testing Agency (NTA) |
Level of Test | Post Graduate Entrance Exam |
Admission Courses | Ayush MD /MS/PG Diploma Courses Admission |
Mode of Exam | Online |
Number of questions | 100 |
Application Mode | Online |
Eligibility Crtieria | Graduation with 50% marks |
Official website | www.aiapget.nta.ac.in |
AIAPGET Exam Dates |
Opening AIAPGET Registration | 1st August 2023 |
Closing date for online registration | August 2023 |
Last date of successful transaction of fee | —- |
Dates for correction in Online form | —- |
Admit Card for AIAPGET 2023 | Release Soon |
AIAPGET Exam Date | Update Soon |
Result declaration Date | Declare Soon |
AIAPGET 2023 Eligibility Criteria
Candidates must have the necessary eligible conditions to apply online for the All India Ayush PG Entrance Test 2023. The eligibility should regard as Age and Qualification. The followings are eligible norms while completing the All India Ayush PG Application Form-
Internship- One must have to complete one year of the internship program to appear in the AIAPGET Exam.
Qualification- Aspirants must have passed BAMS/BSMS/BUMS/BHMS/Graded BHMS or a provisional passing certificate from a recognized institute.
Certificate- Applicants must have a provisional registered certificate issued by NCISM, NCH/ State Board/Universities/Deemed Universities to be eligible.
They should complete their one-year Internship for AIAPGET 2023. They must secure a minimum of 50% marks in their UG program.
Application Fee for AIAPGET Application Form 2023
Aspirants have to deposit registration charges category-wise. The following application fee requires for AIAPGET Examination.
- General/Unreserved & OBC-NCL*- Rs. 2700/-
- General-EWS category- Rs. 2450/-
- SC/ST/PwD category- Rs 1800/-
- Third Gender category- Rs 1800/-
Note- Applicable Service/Processing charges & GST are necessary deposits.
Candidates should pay fees only online through Net Banking, Credit Card, Debit Card or UPI Services. Processing charges and GST as applicable are chargeable to the aspirant by the concerned Bank/Payment Gateway integrator. A fee may submit through any of the following modes-
- Net Banking
- Debit Card
- Credit Card
AIAPGET 2023 Online Registration Process
Candidates must know that AIAPGET 2023 Application Form will available from the 1st Week of August 2023. And applicants have to submit All India Ayush PG Online form through online mode only. They have to fill the details like Name, Father’s Name, DOB, Email ID and Phone Number. Also, candidates will have to choose three Exam cities in the AIAPGET Application Form. The last Date to submit the Application Form will 3rd Week of August 2023.
प्रतिभागी केवल ऑनलाइन मोड में अखिल भारतीय आयुष स्नातकोत्तर प्रवेश परीक्षा के लिए आवेदन कर सकते हैं। वे अखिल भारतीय आयुष पीजी प्रवेश परीक्षा 2023 के लिए आवेदन पत्र भरने के लिए एनटीए की आधिकारिक साइट जैसे www.aiapget.nta.ac.in पर जा सकते हैं। उम्मीदवारों को यह सुनिश्चित करना चाहिए कि ऑनलाइन आवेदन पत्र में प्रदान किया गया ई-मेल पता और मोबाइल नंबर एनटीए द्वारा सभी सूचना/संचार केवल दिए गए मोबाइल नंबर पर ई-मेल पते या एसएमएस पर ई-मेल के माध्यम से भेजे जाएंगे।
Step to fill AIAPGET online Application form
- First of all candidates visit the official website i.e www.aiapget.nta.nic.in
- Open the AIAPGET Online Application Form link
- Complete Registration by entering their Name, Mobile Number, E-Mail ID, Date of birth
- And then aspirant will get the Registration number and Password then login and fill with the remaining details.
- After that, they need to fulfill all details correctly if any incorrect details are found then the Application will cancel.
- Upload the Latest Photograph, Signature and all the required documents at the time of the All India Ayush PG Application Form.
- Pay the Application Fees for AIAPGET Entrance Exam 2023
- Save and take a printout of the Application Form for further use.
Check AIAPGET Exam Notification
AIAPGET Exam Pattern 2023
The format of the AIAPGET 2023 will be multiple-choice questions (MCQs) through a computer-based test (CBT) and the examination will be conducted by National Testing Agency. The Question will be asked from Graduation programs. There will be total 100 Marks and the Paper will carry 100 objective types of questions. There will be negative markings and 0.25 marks will be deducted for every wrong answer.
Mode of examination | Computer-based test |
Number of questions | 100 |
Maximum marks | 100 |
Type of questions | Multiple choice questions (MCQ) |
Duration of examination | 90 minutes |
Negative marking | Yes. 0.25 marks will be deducted for every wrong answer |
AIAPGET Admit Card 2023
The Admit Card for All India Ayush Postgraduate Test will be issued on 1st October 2023. Aspirants need to download Admit Card online mode and must carry it at the exam center. After getting Admit Card, candidates are required to paste their latest passport size photograph on it. The passport-size photograph should be a minimum of 35 x 45mm with a file size between 10kb to 200 KB. They should also care about the color, background, quality, size of the photo.
Students must bring the AIAPGET Admit Card 2023 to the exam center on the Day of the exam. They also carry identity proof such as a Voter ID card, Aadhaar Card, PAN Card, etc. along with their admit card on the day of examination.
AIAPGET Exam Result 2023
Results for AIAPGET 2019 will be available on the website www.ntaaiapget.nic.in only. The qualifying criteria for AYUSH MD/ MS / PG Diploma courses shall be as per CCIM /CCH and the Ministry of Ayush. it shall be necessary for a candidate to obtain minimum marks at the 50th percentile in the AIAPGET.
Validity of the result of AIAPGET 2023 shall be only for the current admission year i.e. 2022-23 for MD / MS / PG DIPLOMA AYUSH PG courses. We hope that all candidates will easily fill out AIAPGET Application Form 2023 with the correct details using the above link.